
Well i was today just checking some peoples out and i find this link from EstoniaLOTTEh3r0's page.
I was what's #lotte.priv? So i find about Germany/Estonia"$u$umu" some cheating tard. There was "KlappHook" . Their cheat made by EstoniaKlapp


http://crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=27713 EstoniaKlapp
http://crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=37429 EstoniaLOTTEh3r0($u$umu?)
http://crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=28890 Estonia$u$umu (This user is tagged until eternity for cheating in a clan match.)

image: cheater_error

SLAC Cheat

We sell klappHook. need info #lotte.priv @ Quakenet

All of them should get life time ban , for cheating and making them.

QuoteEstoniaKlapp - LOTTE's Main Sponsor - Founder of KlappHook, LLC, Master at D3D, OpenGL, Visual Basic, HTML, MySQL, PHP, Java, XML, CSS, Client Hooks & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programming_languages_by_category every other programming language. He is currently working on a new private program for every EstoniaLOTTE member that will help us. Wonder what kind of a program it is. But it will be totally private and only for EstoniaLOTTE fellas. And Yes, it will work with SLAC & PB & AntiVirus Programs
Klapp ain't involved in this cheating shit. :)
QuoteKlapp - He has awesome coding skills
Thats shit of bull.
ban EstoniaFreeze for supporting em!

haha said man who have 32 yers old and still playing computer games hahahaahhahahahhaha omg get life gay and muscles :D
Klapp = 13 year old kid who cant code shit.

u just got trolled
Quote+ Inject to any running process except ET.exe [Use Winject]

very useful for slac
everyone knows lotte hacks, just dont play vs them
I don't really understand the purpose of this post. What are you trying to say? What do you want to achieve? What's your ultimate goal?

As LOTTE Company's spokesman I am more than happy to answer to any questions and solve any problem you might have. But at the moment I don't see any problem that needs addressing. Seems like you just found out what #LOTTE.PRIV community is and what it's about. Like someone already said: "everyone knows lotte hacks, just dont play vs them" - This is people's normal response when they find out about us. You reacted different and your way of expressing your concern was this post. I can understand that. But if you want somebody to get banned for cheating you better have some real proof, not some quote from weebly webpage that can be also explained as troll. Maybe we are trolling, maybe we're not. Go figure.

But if someone has any problems, questions or accusations - I recommend you to turn to LOTTE Company management. Any one of us can help.

Korea, Republic of Mihkel aka $U$UMU - image: nctagadmin - Founder of LOTTE Corporation - EU Ambassador

Finland s1gnum - Co-Founder of LOTTE Corporation

Scotland Needle - image: nC_tag_customer - CEO of LOTTE Corporation - Chairman of LOTTE's Board of Directors - President of KlappHook, LLC.

Estonia Klapp - LOTTE's Main Sponsor - Founder of KlappHook, LLC, Master at D3D, OpenGL, Visual Basic, HTML, MySQL, PHP, Java, XML, CSS, Client Hooks & every other programming language

Oh, and by the way, Krosan tried accusing me of being LOTTEh3r0. For some reason, he thought it was me.

Go away , u deserver life time ban , atleast get a life hacking moron.
karksteist kuud
cocks taste good
+ Clean PB/SLAC screenshots
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