SLAC + 1000 report rate = 35 FPS

background info:

6k DPI (Logitech G500)
pbprior for dualcore (Intel @ 3GHZ)
nvidia 9800 GTx 1GBDDR3

No slac: 125 stable on every map, on every position. without FPS limit, i reach 500 or more on most spots

slac + 125 report rate: np either.

But the smooth mouse feeling is completely gone with 125 reports/second. I've been playing like this for the last months, but i'm getting a bit tired of it.
Is there anyone here that has a clue about how to fix it?

In return: image: open_tits_close_tits
i have a weird slacproblem too

every 2nd or 3rd time i connect with slac, im getting huge fps lags (max 40 fps on every map)..after rebooting or starting the game after a 10 minute break i have no problems at all and stable 125 fps

has anyone the same problem ?


sometimes it feels like my mouse is stuck and i cant move it properly anymore..after reconnecting its gone :x
ye i have that 2 i had 20-40 fps on most of the maps i was like wtf is this? but then it worked the next day so its slac i guess
same problem here
Any solution yet or... ?
laggy mousemovement + "pbish" lag spikes here.
Please post this on the SLAC forum where it belongs.
Frop what's going on i connected with slac to a server but it's still waiting for challenge but the crossfire server is empty :s?
i got the same always played with 1000 but had to change to 500 becuz of SLAC ;[ + i get the stuck mouse stuff alot :S
fucked up, isn't it?
yup, and now i cannot connect to any server Awaiting Auth... great program rly
and for me slac interrupt my game switching automaticly to windows modus every 20/30 sec
in this moments i cant move, shot untill i press twice mouse button to return back to game
6000 DPI (Logitech G500)

that's the reason bro
here's a crazy idea;

ask the developer?
if only i hadn't done that 1 million times..
if he doesn't know...
ugly whore
those tits won't get you answers, especially when they're attached to such an ugly chick
I wonder how people always manage to get problems with programs like pb and slac...

Bio server and Crossfire servers stay at Awaiting auth!!!
QuoteSLAC + 1000 report rate = 35 FPS
pbprior for dualcore (Intel @ 3GHZ)

Quote6k DPI (Logitech G500)

you talking about fps and then suddenly about report rate? you seriously mad bro. anyway, why dont u just try 250 report rate or 500? anyway,get rid of 6k DPI -> profit
the point is: slac shouldn't make a shitgame with shitgraphics lag worse than GTA IV on highest, and i play that on 1k report rate and 5.8k dpi too. and the fps drops have to do with the report rate, putting it to 100 gives me 125 stable, but my mousemovement feels shit. from 250 to 1k -> shitfps when i move my mouse.
Stop using rinput.exe, fixed it for me. There was a small period of getting used to playing without rinput, but after that I don't miss it.
doesn't fix it :(
I limited my FPS to 76 also :P
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