dualinity avi as 6th

are you a 5on5 clan? if you take me into your main lineup, you could transform into a 6on6 clan!

Quote by [bme[/b]]
  • CIC8 avi (possibly going with eXceed)
  • some exclans in profile
  • speaking Netherlands/United Kingdom
  • Fieldops / multiclass (smg)
  • 19 years young
  • good as fuck

Quote by [byou[/b]]
  • be atleast a bit mature
  • have a sense of humour
  • below my skill so I feel superior (its not hard being worse than me, after all, im good as fuck)
  • willing to take eXceed along with me

Quote by [bcontact[/b]]
  • xfire: keviink
  • Pm here

janneke[/b]]image: jahaaaa
random vid[/b]]
"are you a 5on5 clan? if you take me into your main lineup, you could transform into a 6on6 clan!"
ok :)
wouldn't that be AWESOME?
image: glad

6on6 is back <3 I heard dignitas need a 6th, check recruitment post at main news.
they already took Germany butchji, its too late, sorry
:D gl dude ! :D
I thought you weren't looking for anything serious?
GL tho, never had anything against you :)
gl to us both my friend
gl, let's make 3on3! :D

Kevin, Kevin, I :D
My name is Eduard.
Imagine that I never said anything other than let's make 3on3 team to begin with and it will incl. You, DUAL, ME?
hahahaha waarom zit je nu ineens op hun pik dan eeh :D? eerst wilde je spelen met mij dit dat ahahah triest man
hij pmde me al om team te maken, maar je begrijpt dat het hem niet gaat worden :PP
Ik wil gewoon team hebben man, voor jou is dat op iemands pik zitten.
Dan zit "jij" heel goed!
bijna grappig? ik bedoel je kan toch ook 2on2 team met mij maken ofzo zoals je eerst zei. maar kennelijk wil je niet meer + je hebt niet eens een mic :D
?? since when do pplz paly 6v6 again ??
gl tho ^^ <3
We should make a clan!
oh no its Kevin Oostrum :O
gl mate :)
lets make lan team :D
low+ max gl
gl, nice fop :D
good luck bro
serious post
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