TeeZer is looking ...

Yeah I'm Looking for a stable and skilled clan ;)

About Me

Age: 15 (I am mature but I'll be honoust I do get some whine attacks sometimes :S:P)

From: Croatia Croatia but live in NorwayNorway

Skill; Stopped playing ET for a bouth a month ago and would like to get back to the skill I had before...So I would need a week or two to get on zeh top ;)

About me I would say I am nice / funny player that you can have a laugh with but serious when needed :> Got some expirience in being in clans.

Would like a team that has a lineup (or almost :P)

Can speak United Kingdom , Germany , Norway, Sweden, Croatia ;D

See the rest @ my profile :)

Contact me under #crossfire


Hornyest boy @ my place ;)
gl teez0r
Every language but dutch, die pls!
Im trying to learn it, but its quite hard :<
gl "teeZer" ;p
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