6v6cup+q-n 4 the coders

le cup's info <-
Speaking of that 6v6 India hype, besides the trolling part of crossfire I bet there r still enough teams which would play ET like in good old times. As far as I know the cup’s going 2 start soon, was delayed to make the divisions full.
Latvia dunno how many slots they still have\how many teams they are willing to take, If u r interested 2 participate, ask the admins.

But my topic isn’t about it. The Cup makers plan to make a 6v6 ladder & there is a topic @ their forum. I have a question for the coders – By any chance,
is it possible to find an open source cup\ladder management engine (though I doubt u can get it for free) in intrawebs,
to make smth similar to esl \clanbase ladders?
In case of a negative answer, - How much could it cost to code it (approximately) ?
sounds nice, i guess u culd use www.tourney.cc but it's not very advanced
Quoteu could use

I am actually not a part of the admin crew ) I just love 6v6 :p

& r u sure tourney.cc is suited to manage a ladder system ?
I thought it's made for the stand alone cups :\
cost to code it? Doing a simple, good site for this purpose is izi, the important question is who got the motivation?
so much effort so you will have 5 matches in a month, now i'm not talking as a 6on6 hater, i'm being realistic, setting up a ladder is hard work, getting teams to play a format that is not forced, making them signup, challenge and add guids and all the other stuff, is just not going to happen.
You mad cos ESL > CB?
how long did the 5on5 ladder exist when it wasn't forced? :o
6on6 \o/
What harm it is going to do if CB just adds 6on6 ladder? Quick! ESL is prolly going to take an advantage about the small demand there has been for it.
Rise and Fall of #6on6.et ;(
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