koop avi

avi for cb+esl 5on5, could 3on3 but i would need to get back into it


-United Kingdom
-skilled rifle [can play smg at some stages also]
-played premier
-talk to me about prac times etc


-nice guys
-playing esl+cb+cups etc

contact: pm here or #deathless.et

e;ty in advance for the gl's <3
sup with deathless?
splitted up
u so crazy
Good luck Koop!

Skilled player, had good times :)
potty, garin & dani wish u gl!
image: 9026
gl mate.
#epic.et :DDDDD
pretty sick rifle, underrated, gl !
koop for nc riflle <3
gl keefy
gl koop ! :)
low+ max, no comms on vent, rambo, cant follow tax

gl bbz
Gl man, good rifle x
The guy with the eyepatch! gl!
annoying to play against, gl :P
no comms but a rly nice rifle :)
try #epic.et mate, if they are still looking
Gl skilled player and nice sniper :D.
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