Wolfcam help for all


People keep asking me about how to set up wolfcam so im gonna tell you on here.
so everyone knows

"wolfcam-et folder, put that in your main et directory, make a folder called Demos, and put your demos in there, the ones you wanna watch, name it something small like cheater1 cheater2 or something, put the folder in wolfcam-et folder, right click et, make a shortcut, rename it to wolfcam.exe, put that in wolfcam-et folder, go into wolfcam.exe properties, "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set fs_game wolfcam-et ... do that, then go out of properties, go into the wolfcam.exe and inconsole type /demo cheater (whatever you named it) in the demo, type /players and /follow (slot) who ever you wana spec*

// Wolfcam Folder


// Wolfcam.exe properties


And there you go.. Wolfcam set up.

"Its crashed" <-- Reason: you're to far away from the enemy you're spectating. So don't worry.
I once heard that this magic program helped one finnish clan to make an insane good busted .avi of Finland Lepari, which wasn't published when the makers realized (were told) that wolfcam doesn't show lean. xD
release it anyways!

I'm not related to that, just happen to have it and uploaded for you.
I can tell, only to you, that the buster is Finland nsd (a.k.a saB0) from clan Finland outwit, and I got that .avi from his clanmate and my neighbour Finland caej
or just read 'readme'
When I use it, it fuckin lags. Feels like im getting 999 every 5 seconds. :S
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