vw_create error

Hello everybody ! I got a big problem since 3-4days...

I launch ET , works fine ! When It comes at "awaiting gamestate" I got disconnected for :


I tried to :

-Reinstall ET
-Download new Etpro & stuff
-Pb update

pls , help me out
ooo ngr plz del this forum :<
yep :x blame my english :<
I guess the second img is couse u dont have the new patch...not sure if it will help
ur too sexeh for the game!

Edit: You havent installed the latest patch. Check your ss. You installed 2.60 but the latest version is 2.60b.
true what Myth0s said... look at your ss, and on this
Ok , resolved ... How? I just deleted the etkey ...

But thanks anyway

Shootout to dah lowskiller ( silent )
nice config
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