I noticed that the Gather-topic isnt over yet, so I decided to make a Forumpost about it...
prior discuss - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=116091
Why #et.gather isnt used anymore? Just like TimeN and D4vid already said...
So, why dont we reactivate #et.gather?
opinion / discuss
prior discuss - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=116091
Why #et.gather isnt used anymore? Just like TimeN and D4vid already said...
So, why dont we reactivate #et.gather?
opinion / discuss
but gl
see what i did there?
see what i did there?
Why not playing on public then?
!add a !add b :D
Don't say "to play gathermatches" as I don't know what gathering is and I cba to look it up.
With the ESL Gather System you can find friends and like-minded people to play with. It is not focused on the competition but more on the fun and social part of gaming. It is a system with which you can find other players with whom you can play, not matter if you are have a team, no team or half a team. No matter if you are looking for a friendly match, a practice match, a 1on1 or a mixed team match.
If I'm right, its like a mIRC-Chan where everyone who got bored can get on and a bot or something put these players in teams and let them play. Correct me if this isnt right.
So the biggest part of reactivate the Channel would be rent a mIRC-Bot who can do that?
Maybe someone should talk to GamesTV.org for using there Servers, when they're not already in use.
But is GTV able to support this project with a mIRC-Bot with the needed Gatherscript?
But this time, ET is on the way of rehabilitation. Why dont we give this Channel a chance, too?
ET is nowhere near revived atm, it's a fact less people are quitting atm, but still I dont see a lot of new people coming out of nowhere
no chance to survive