Update: Cheap Accommodation CPC2


I also found something that is normally dedicated for students. It has more luxury, but still cheap from what i have heard so far. It is closer to the downtown area, so easier means to go party. It has a hotel and appartment options, so you could just stack an entire team in one of these aparments.



For the past few weeks I have had various questions on what kind of options in terms of accommodation people would have in and around Enschede during the period of the event.

The amount of hotels in Enschede is rather limited and the nearest youth hostel is 30 minutes away (direct train though and pretty cheap).

However it doesn't make things that much harder in order to find a place to sleep.

In and around Enschede, all within close distance to the venue and the nearby trainstation (Enschede Drienerlo), there are many vacation homes which are much cheaper to rent for the weekend than the 3 hotel rooms teams might have to book.

I will be making some kind of overview very soon, but there is also another option that I would like to have feedback on, before I would continue and make some kind of deal with them

Basically across the street, 5 minute walk, there is the campus area of the university and they offer 15 person cabins which are extremely cheap to stay in, but they are modest, require your own sleepingmatress to bring with you and the shower and toilet accommodations are not in your cabin (thus a few meters away)


My estimate is that the price would not go over 30 euros per person for the entire weekend, but I cannot confirm that.

I reckon for teams with much lower budgets and that wanna party a bit without pestering neighbours with noise this is a good option.

In summary:

+ Cheap
+ Very nearby trainstation and the venue (5 minute walk)
+ On campus, you can make some noise, throw a party with fellow ET players)

- It is more like camping than staying in a hotel, which could get a little cold.
- Toilet and Shower facilities are in a seperate building
- Place for 15 people, so multiple teams might have to share one. (which could also be a good thing)

For those interested, leave a comment in here with your team's name and how many people would come. We will move on from there...

Update from Toss

The iTC hotel is fully booked for April
hi xet i think germani sucks more than your country
im sharing with Artan and Worm, anyone wanna share ? :)))

no peddos plz me and artan is 14/15.

I dont wanna share room with you Loekino and Maikel, just Loekino on vent was bad. But Loekino + Maikel..... DAMN OMNIGOD NACKSKOTT GÅNNA KILL ME !!!w wWWAGAG NACKSKOTT HACK0rBOyY !!
i'll come with yah , (k)
Very nice Cash, good work!
nice work cash
bedoel je vakantiehuisjes op zo een vakantie park? die zijn toch altijd best duur? is wel nice op zich :-d
remember you can sleep in my garage for only €500 a night
is dat dan met korting er al bij in ofniet?
is wel echt heel vet om met zijn zessen met het team in zo een huisje te zitten :-d
Hallo Bart,

Helaas gaat dat niet. Ten eerste verhuren wij niet in de weekenden als onze eigen groep draait (op vrijdag en zaterdag).
Bovendien mogen wij alleen verhuren aan scoutinggroepen. Dat is opgelegd door de verzekering, dus daar kunnen wij geen uitzonderingen op maken.

Misschien kunnen jullie wel terecht in ons regio gebouw Lambarene. Dat staat aan de noordrand van Enschede, niet ver van de Universiteit Twente. Het is denk ik ongeveer een kwartiertje lopen van de centrale voorzieningen op het universiteitsterrein. En daar zijn zeker goede busverbindingen met het centrum van Enschede.

Het regiogebouw is overigens wel erg sober van karakter en er zijn weinig voorzieningen. In dat opzicht is het niet met ons gebouw te vergelijken. Wel zijn er keukenvoorzieningen en toiletten. Of er een douche is weet ik niet (dacht ik niet). Het gebouw ligt in een klein stukje bos aan een doorgaande weg.

De prijs ligt dacht ik iets lager dan die van ons gebouw (bij ons is het € 3,25 per persoon per nacht, met een minimum van € 65).
Voor meer informatie kun je terecht op de website van onze regio: www.essnlaand.nl

Mocht het daar ook niet lukken, of als het je niets lijkt, dan wil ik wel eens kijken of er nog andere mogelijkheden in Enschede of de directe omgeving zijn.
Niet alle mogelijkheden zijn namelijk te vinden in de accommodatielijst van Scouting Nederland.

Nog één vraag, gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid: Waarom komen deze Europese jongeren in april naar Enschede? Is er sprake van een uitwisseling of iets dergelijks?

Met vriendelijke groet,
Marcel Dijkstra
Webteam Scouting Nanne Zwiep
nice, pm is voor info :D
will post as soon as I find something.
if you cant afford 1000$ stay, just ask Anonymous Loekino and he will write you a Amsterdam check
CASH How is your danish woman :D
potter, wanna another game of pool?
cash u suck! bad work! i hate u!

i need a roompartner too: female 18/21
heb ik express niet vermeld :P

'jongeren uit heel europa komen naar Enschede' klonk zo mooi
I'm pretty sure they will cry a river!
The campus area doesn't sound too bad. If the toilets don't get jammed and nobody penetrates me in the shower, it could actually be pretty fun.

What's inside these cabins? Beds without blankets? Possibly a fridge?

I'd be more interested in the ITC International Hotel though, if the price is right. Looks like it's quite accessible via public transportation: 500 meters away from the closest railway station. 4 kilometers from the CineStar center, but it's closer to the central area... Who's going there to play anyway?
i think it's just some extra space for some players to store their ego's in
who are you going with?
The cabins on the campus are quite nice actually. I live on the campus myself and have stayed in them for some time.
They are two-story buildings stuffed with beds and closets(like 2 beds on top of eachother ... no idea how you call them in english). There are matrasses, so you don't need to bring them .. but there are no blankets. No refridgerator.
u name it cheap ?
15 euros per person per night (or is it 10? not sure what the 'whole weekend' means) is ridiculously cheap. It's about a quarter of what you'd normally expect to pay in Enschede, from what I've seen.
cockroaches everywhere !!!!!11
i want a special poker room with the idle guys, zP guys, Ronner, Mav and Toss (15 total)
tequila imo, pokernub ;))
youre afraid to play with polish?

and i agree with decem on the tequilla thing
polish = easy money :P Your welcome anytime m8 :)
everytime you meet polish youve got big chance of getting robbed, also in poker!
so please watch out!
if you know what i do for a living, then you know im not afraid of getting robbed :P Ill take my chance in winning some zlotty's with a full house :o
so tell me what youre doing for a living!
image: sol_poker

PS. decem told me not to call you a retard.
do you have any idea what he does for a living????? he'll beat u up nggr =(

btw do you remember @ SHGopen when we.....

oh :p
cant wait to drink some tequila at cpc2 tbh!
cant w8 to see new dignitas photos !
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