zymon avi

Having just left London for the cold Sweden again with nothing but work to amuse myself with for the next couple of months before I go travelling again, I decided that it's about time that I joined up with a an ET team.

I've never really played for any other teams than TheGathering and Order Gaming during my 3 year long ET career. I've had the position as manager and team captain in both organizations and tend to find myself in that spot in most situations.

I'm not really looking for a team to run now though, I'd rather join up with some team playing in ladders and cups. I'm mostly in it for the laughs and long nights at Ventrilo, but I'd very much like a serious approach towards officials and praccs as I lose interest if there's no level of seriousness or competitiveness in the team.


» Sweden
» Speak Sweden, United Kingdom and enough Spain to let you know that I like tacos.
» Aimwise around Low+ - I do have gamesense which would allow me to adapt in to most med'ish teams though
» Never cheated
» Only interested in 5v5 teams.
» Available most evenings, except for Friday/Saturday, from 21.00 CET


» A team, not 4 guys on a solo mission
» Have Vent/TS3 and matchserver
» At least 1/2 praccs a week
» Have a somewhat respectable past and can act mature in most situations, meaning that you aren't provocative towards other players in-game nor have you used cheats continiously in the past or present.

Send a PM or find me on Xfire: theflakkman
Welcome back mate, might have something for you. :)
goodluck mate ;)
Gl määään :) really nice guy!
GL swebro, hope you find something cool! :)
GL mate really nice guy!! :)
gl friend
i like the fact that you love tacos so i'll wish you gl
gl Zymon :)
gl dude :)
gl mate !
I would like to take you to my team but u cant speak polish :_(
gl mate :}
gl! :D awesome guy for any team
may the lycka be with you.
thanks everyone! (:
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