The ridicule that is cheat.lua

Hello, fellow crossfireans.

Around a week ago I set my eyes upon this and this. It didn't take me long to guess what exactly was going on and on which server and by who.

Last summer I had some borings and too much spare time on my hands, so I started experimenting with server-side config stuff to have some funnies in random mixes and such. At first it was just the global config with sv_cheats changed to 1. Some time after that I wrote a simple LUA file that checked for each individual user's "access" to these sv_cheats (such as /god and /noclip) and if they didn't have it (you got the access by typing a command in the console) it printed out "Cheats are not enabled on this server" to confuse and disclose stuff - however, it did not restrict cheat-protected cvars and soon all my lowskiller internet friends were abusing the configs in all IRC-matches to be able to play with "wallhacks" (r_shownormals 1) and whatnot.

Well, to get rid of that problem I set the sv_cheats cvar back to 0 and wrote the entire "cheat" part in LUA, manipulating stuff like client health, powerups and ammo etc. This got rid of the "wallhack" thing and all those said lowskiller internet friends were like "omg bring back the wallhack configs". I did not, but instead kept on improving the simple lua file when I was bored.

In the end it turned out to be 430 (relatively poorly written) lines of code with commands like disguising, giving health, godmode, permanent adrenaline and adding binoculars to classes that don't have them (:P). After that I didn't touch it and forgot it for a long time, and so did pretty much everyone else. The configs lingered on my server, the infamous Muumimaailma, for a long time though, but I doubt anyone actually ever used them.

Until recently. A friend of mine, Maani, who I haven't played with for a long time though, joined a Jaymod clan with SOOSSI and whonot. As I had given them my leave to borrow the server several months back, they started playing loads of low+ 3o3s there. I do not know how often they used the "cheat" configs, but judging by the aforementioned forum topics and videos they did it quite often. My apologizes for that. As soon as I found out about them gaining such fame (i.e. that forum topic), I changed the server password and rendered the LUA useless to them.

So, the thing some of you might be at this point of the text waiting for: the actual script. Well, here it is. Only intended for usage in matches between friends and not for actual cheating, although it surely could be used for bad purposes too.

Also, no worries about someone actually using this against you. The ones responsible for the abuse of it on my server have been whipped and their rights to operate the server revoked. You can easily spot attempts to misuse the script by either non-certified configs or typing /lua_status in the game's console and looking if anything unnecessary is loaded on the server.
Post scriptum: they work well for trickjumping, too.
Please remove the link anyway.
burneddi m8 :)

edit: also maani lowskilled fuckwad :D
Pff, old and useless considering it never worked on certified configs. The best was back when mapscripts weren't md5hashed and you could just add new spawnpoints or any other entity really, now that was fun to abuse.
you can certify a config yourself
Yeah, for example the Element Purefrag configs are certified, and I doubt that the ETPro crew certified it for them.
chaplja has a tool for that
Yes, but he is no longer distributing it and a quick google search for it (using the exact filename he used when he had it in his blog) results nothing but an archived post from Adawolfa, which is gone for ever.
i'm sure txtr still has it somewhere in his epic ftp though
His FTP is google-indexed I believe.
lol that video :D
Burneddi kicked lows from his server, nice job. #ink doesnt need such configs
ink always rolling :P

ps: rekkaa tänää sinne NC
Laitoin linkin tonne topicciin, eikohan se riita.
not the first to do i heard
thanks chaplja who made possible certify fake configs
Good job
You silly cunt.
Moro Burneddi!
Salaneuvos varsinainen salapoliisi ton journalin kanssa:XD kai ny tyhmäki tajuu että siel o käytetty give health komentoo :-------D
keines leben
he he heh ehehe

E: Did read it, why are you sharing this to others for use, they will start raping it like we did and the cancer will spread. Thats like shitting in your own shoe.
The link directs to Besides, I also wrote a paragraph on how to check for all running LUA files (and their SHA-1 hashes for extra reliability) on the server.
Oh, lolez. Didnt check the link :PPP
Well, it probably will be available via google as soon as they index my FTP's /etjutut/ directory (they already got a few things from there indexed, such as the Jaymac blocker). Perhaps I should add a robots.txt
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