GamesBoard MGC recruiting team

image: logos0 is looking for decent Polish Enemy Territory Team.

Our requirements:
-active (cups,ladders)
-strong med or even more

What we offer ?
- ET server
- TS server
- T-shirts for LANs
- BNCs
- 2 Public servers (if anyone cares)

If you are interested send me a message on Crossfire or catch me at

EDIT: European Team is also fine with us. Of course only if they agree playing on PL server.. You can check your pings here: pw pedbobear
T-shirts for LAN but no support ? :o
gl anyway
opponents doesnt want to play in polish servers anyway.
+1, polish servers are useless
if you add in lansupport >> Poland #target
ey 7ele. do u know how ur lan lu will look like? i'm avi if u need one :)
we're currently doing tryouts for 5th, but we already have some good candidates :) i'll keep it mind though
noone will play on polish served dude :D
ye, but noone is polish, so...
#exert /q kirej !
noone will play on polish served dude :D
noone will play on polish served dude :D
what happened to bacardi? I thought they were awesome :o
you were completely wrong...
we are just going inactive
noone will play on polish served dude :D
only despperate house wives will join your MGC !
here: pw pedbobear


ref pw? :-P
if you change pl serv to de serv, its okay :D
gimme bnc xD
noone will play on polish served dude :D
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