New Clan site up and running still needs work doing too it. Im shite at it soo if any1 can give some help then contact me @

Also any1 that wants too put a banner on site then contact me and im sure i can arrange it free of charge no strings attached advertising
1 member, thats poor :[
Sites just up and running :) so more will be added by the end of the day
site is still the same as I was in the clan m8... :s

You just deleted some ( read : ALL ) members from that list ...
I can still log in with the same username and pass :s
nah things have changed :)
Nice stiffy
Im shite at it soo <- your shit too @ xfire

use edit? =o
nice page stiffy :)
#care n00b site btw xd
and who are you? #care
jorie, nice to meet you
skilled url
must agree with frats about fonts and colors

dark blue and white is too much of contrast difference

same as visitor pixel font is too small for menu
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