Update the maplist !

Greetings CrossFire users.

ET becomes more and more boring. Therefore the day has come for CB and ESL to update their maplist.
Goldrush and supply are overplayed (adlernest and radar are mostly played as deciders). You can't deny it and this is the reason why ET makes me bored and maybe you aswell.

So, I decided to pick up a few old maps in order to play them in official wars. But I obviously can't do it alone... This is why I need your help.
If the majority of ET players agrees and help me with this project we can make things change.
I'm going to suggest you some maps, your mission if you choose to accept it is to give me constructive criticism about these ones and help me to find some more.

for 3on3 :
  • te_escape2
  • wolken1_final

for 5on5 :
  • password2
  • crevasse_b3
  • sos_secret_weapon
  • v2_base
  • snatch

for both :
  • et_village
  • dubrovnik_final

I also though about sw_cathedral and et_assault for 5on5 but forgot it due to their size.

edit : I'll test map you propose and edit te list.
well actually he is quite right, the same maplist every season gets quite boring
3on3 & 5on5 maplist changed 2 days ago
you just added a map wtf :-D
1 or 2 more will be better i think
added 2 for 5on5 and 2 for 3on3, ladder nerd doesn't even remember maplist, disappointing.
just saw maplist again

so you just added old map that is not played, instead of give a try to map who has never been played?

great success dude
what? you're still clueless.
added erdenberg and tc base to 3on3 ladder right?

we need new map, put some instead of getting old map who was already in maplist ( and got removed???? )
Quotewe need new map, put some instead of getting old map

Quotefor 3on3 :

* te_escape2
* dubrovnik_final
* wolken1_final

for 5on5 :

* password2
* crevasse_b3
* sos_secret_weapon

for both :

* et_village
* northpole

image: ohiiyp
QuoteI'm going to suggest you some maps

"suggest", he didnt say "PUT EVERY MAPS IN"

and for 3on3, dubrovnik_final can be nice, we need a try
same for 5on5 with password2

act like admin, listen players.

do a poll, ask opinions.
like talking to a deaf guy
No it really doesnt.
snatch & beerrun for both
Already tested both.
beerun is not playable.
snatch could be.
if i remember snatch right. it is necessary to make some minor changes due respawnpoints
+1, (tell'em I've tried it with you, mouhahaha)
I don't like xEn since he throwes me nades to make me full.
northpole.. u mad? :D

but ye it would be sweet for xmas time :D
where is v2_base you fool
rtcw maps <3
Agree with mottAus

fuck yeah
the worst part about sos_secretweapon is that the flag can be recaptured imo
• dubrovnik_final => full of win

• sos_secret_weapon => Europe#follow.et home map, rolled in 2mins eheheheh => It makes this map full of win aswell
dubronovik is good.
but wolken ? lol i remember the map from like 4 years back they tried it, but it was a crappy map.
No need to really change anything else than back to 6on6 and we are all fine.
dubrovnik and crevasse are only nice, rest sucks
all your suggestions are shit

maps like edited oasis and v2_base ftw!
password2 :D my fav map when i was just owning etpub, but i dont really think that map can be played as a comp map tho, it just doesnt fill in in competition imo

think we can give sos a try maybe someone would actually "refresh" the map

and dunno crevasse
just quit this dead game already
Get the fuck out, you retarded fuck!
agree with new maps, but some that you summed are;


btw, maps like Coast_b1 & Haemar didnt make it either..
u took some ilegal substance?
sw_railgun_te or sw_fueldump_te would be awesomo!!!
5on5 makes rtcw maps more playable i think, so here is my mappool

-modified railgun
-village (awesome map this is!)
-old goldrush, with second spawn for allies behind ammo and health cabinets behind truck barrier one (this as soon as they stole tank)
- dubrovnik, without acces to any roof
-ice without mines

-overplayed maps decider only , next to original mappool

weapon restricted maps

personally i m in favor of banning rifle and mines in small narrow cornered maps (rtcw style)
they are just to effective.
i think this can improve the excitement on some maps, smg vs smg and then one annoying panzer, think of it!
this would also require teams to adapt to different playstyles wich will make map choise more important and will bring someting new to the game.
sniper => hs = kill

probably every rifle is gonna flame me now, pls don't, this is only how i would like to see it happen:)

oh and ban lean, more attractive less camping less prediction, all good things, + it would be easier to spot wallhackers...
As a rifle, i'm flaming you.
As a ETplayer, I thank you for this comment.
Removing rifle ? No way !
+1 ban lean
We need fu*king new maps for competition but this admin's just don't want to add some maps to mappols what we should do <sad face here>
hence all onemapwonders don't want to change mappool?
learn to make maps :p
don't need, there is a hundred and more nice maps but ppl don't like 'new things in ET' :( - tell me why...
maps need to be proven and forced through

people wont spend time learning maps unless theyre in leagues and leagues wont get them unless they're proven to be good

best thing that can happen is a weekly 1 day cup where 'new' or 'different' maps are tested out and it happens regularly on ettv
I fully agree, now we need to contact with Robaciek
y come on guys, u are all so awesome. Lets just take every cup new maps into the mappool. Its awesome to make tax on a map, train it a few weeks/months and then the map falls out of the mappool again.

Just they 8 or 10 different 3on3/5on5 maps and stick with them! If u take 6 maps per cup everyone is whining:"uuuh, why isnt braun in the maplist? i want delivery! where the fuck is oasis! i want village back, rtcw ftw!".

Imo with 6 maps u have to change the maplist every ec/nc. Take 8-10 and stick with them for the next 10 years...
QuoteI'm going to suggest you some maps, your mission if you choose to accept it is to give me constructive criticism about these ones and help me to find some more.
y, but everyone wants just more more and more maps. There are so many maps wich was created for leagues and how many are in use right now? delivery took the lead. The last map that had a good stadard was bremen, but that one isnt played anymore that often...
having set seasons in et would be good for that

so we change the map pool every 4months as one season ends and another starts
wolken is cool map :P
escape needs a command map fix and a rather lot of learning, otherwise it's great for 3v3
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