Cless Wanker

Hi all,

+I'm 17
+I Speak English (I don't have an accent, so my English is clear, unlike Vowel's ;) )
+Avi 20:00 - 23:00 CET Sun - Thu, 20:00 - 02:00 Fri - Sat (if I'm not out with mates 'n' that)
+Don't know skill level, low+ maybe? How do I tell?
+Prefer Medic, can play Engineer (rnade is a bit rusty)
+I'm looking to get better at the game. I'm an analytical player and like to see what I've done wrong and try to fix it.
+Teamwork ftw.
+Been playing ET since April 2004, been playing competitively since late 2004.
+2006 spent away from ET to play that game called RL :)

Previous clans:

EuropereservoirDogsEurope (Squad Leader/Co-Founder) 2004-5
EuropeproGloria (Part Time) 2005
WalesStrength&0wnage 2005
United KingdomAsssassins in Arms 2007, Jan - Feb
"+2006 spent away from ET to play that game called RL :)"--> where can i download it .. sounds nice.
Too many cheaters, but the pubs are nice.
hahahaahah :DDDD
do you also play the game? damn wtf i really need to get my ass going and download it i'm afraid.
great lad from a good background, hes honest so he has a real history back to 2004 :P

remeber the days of Lozzy, Viax, Sion (r3v4n), Mavrick and the rest of us used to have scrims :D
+1 <3
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