Barracuda needs rifle

image: zpx69fwo

We are in need of one skilled rifle for ESL WL 3rd Div

image: glo9k4zt
  • No Cheater
  • At least Medskill
  • German preferred
  • Training starts around 20/21/22 clock 2-3 times the week
  • +18
  • People who have some knowledge of ET. I mean dont push on fullspawn etc..
  • Dont want people with 3 month Cf-account. I wanna see proofs of your Et-career


Germany RazZaH*
Germany tieQ
Germany rAIZ
Germany ahmeN

image: vkfesign

Contact RazZaH via PM here on crossfire
gl guys!
gl Netherlands IceQ
gl jungs :)
gl guys :)
gl finding one!

maybe u should just play 4o4 haxball. oh wait..... u have razzah :D
goodluck, nice team :)
good luck !
wasn hier :) ja viel glueck <3
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