Sner avi

Im active again on the ET scene and im looking for a team for the upcoming competitions.

About me:

- 19 yrs old
- Normally very available (except some nights (only at night))
- Around med skilled (fops/medic/2nd eng)
- Can speak fluent english
- Never busted

About you:

- Relatively same skill as mine
- Preferably a non-hacking history
- Active and stable team
- Chilled ppl

If interested pm / add blindm4n (xfire) or qry @ #codelust

Good luck, skilled player!
gl sner, new winghaven->pick him!
just dont let him play field ops or main eng and he will be fine (cuz he is a 1st class retard at that)
Haniiiii! ur jealous.. u know i can do obj pretty well u fag :) <3
Why would you say "Never busted" instead of "Never cheated"?
True my mistake.. Never cheated therefore never busted, my bad
haha lemme laugh at this :DDD he has been busted once and he aint med skilled :DD:D proofs can be arranged.
u havent even played with me recently, u hackin fag.. and no i ve never cheated, therefore cudnt ever been busted.. One u got is a kick from md5tool (error @ .55 etpro) and some fag using my name while i wasnt even playing et, and his ip is way diff than mine.. Salanuevos took care of it.. anyways just get ur own life and friends
well i dont c him playin for a while, but last time i saw(1yearago) he was low+/med- and still owning the shit out of u.
Are you fully recovered from the crash in Africa? Or am I confusing you with another member of your old team? Either way gl :)
Ur not confusing at all.. Ye i fully recovered around start of september! U just confused with africa :D it was after i went to africa, right on the day i got back to portugal! :)
Ah ok mate, glad to hear your well. gl finding a team fella :)
more like med+ gl m8
QuoteAround med skilled


QuoteNever busted

Do i even know u? and yes around med skilled, and never cheated and never busted.. get proofs..
good luck
good luck snerr :D
2on2 skilled izi bash
so da skilled :)
Obrigado gato
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