nORAs avi

Hello crossies

im looking for Europe5v5 team which is taking part in ESL Winter league, im mostly interested in teams located in 2nd/3rd league, so here we go:

about me:

*5 years of experience (2 and a half as community member)
*playin' on decent level (yup yup med+)
*speak Poland/United Kingdom
*active (almost every day from 18.30- 23/24)
*talkative on vt (ts don't likes me)
*loyal (5 years of playing and only 3 teams)
*prefer eng smg/reviving medic positions

what i expect from u:

*compete in ESL Winter 2nd/3rd league
*active at least 3 days per week
*not so new project
*have voice server and game server (not important at all)

For further informations u can check my profile or catch me on irc under `nORAs nick.

I wish u merry christmas and happy flaming

CU around.

Random section:
image: feverwildball
image: 385965904