Mouse settings

Hello dear trolls and normal CF users,

So i bought brand new mouse and this is the best mouse i have ever used and i got no focking clue how to set it up and what settings are actually the best for ET. The question is what polling sense i should use ( 125, 500, 1000 hz ) and DPI i should set ( max 5600 )

Thanks in advance and for usefull comments. Have a nice xmass!
topic no. 1283098430295759028534875743856th asking about best mouse setting.

FFS! use that setting with which u feel comfortable :x
Like im asking you for which sensitivity i should use - .-
razor imperator
Quote[...]and this is the best mouse i have ever used[...]
I had some random mouse for 1 euro so this is quite big change : ! O
+ to clarify 2 things if u dont know:
mouse info sens explained:

Short version:
1. Mouse: Low sens/midsens-->optical, high sens-->care
2. win sens 6/11
3. Disable acc from windows
4. Mouse Hz 500/1000 (get stable)
5. Get about good DPI (usually 200-1000)
6. Get perfect in-game sens after u have done steps 2-5, so steps 2-5 are the basement for ur sens.
7. Profit/win
8. Put 10e to my bankaccount. Thx.
ty dude 8. done already
New laser mice are pretty much equal to new optical mice, along with all the flaws and quirks, so it doesn't really matter which one you have.
I can't thing of any which don't have a problem whether it be pos/neg accel, or z-axis, lift off etc

Some may have decent tracking rates if that's what defines a good mouse for you. Still laser technology is still in its infancy.
Such problems exist in modern optical mice too. It's more like a problem with the manufacturers being lazy to calibrate their stuff properly.
Yeh some optical mice have problems. However there is a fairly wide selection of good optical mice as most of them have a consistent sensor which tracks at decent speeds.
Well, the only 'gaming' mouse I haven't heard whine of having posaccel or negaccel or inconsistent rates is Mx518, and it was released ages ago and the public opinion on it is likely biased partly due to nostalgiafags.

Anyhow, I've a Steelseries Xai, which has a laser sensor, and I can't see anything wrong with it. If there is any pos/negaccel, then it's too minor for me to notice as I can pull off a ~perfect 180° turn by hand with it.
Laser is more accurate so why use optical?
it has pos accel but that issue is overrated

nice mouse
Well, yeah. It must be really minor, something like 1%, or else I would notice it.
already changed it to something more understandable =)
Hi. so what is the best polling rate if i can have 125, 500, 1000 Hz ???
QuoteSo i bought brand new mouse and this is the best mouse i have ever used
yet, you don't know how to set it up, hmmm...
i know wich mouse you have a g500 logitech with the best laser sensor on earth .
Cant track to 6m/s be seconds.
Quoteand DPI i should set ( max 5600 )

Slarto man playing with 450dpi?
The question is what polling sense i should use ( 125, 500, 1000 hz ) and DPI i should set ( max 5600 )
The question is what polling sense i should use ( 125, 500, 1000 hz ) and DPI i should set ( max 5600 )
The question is what polling sense i should use ( 125, 500, 1000 hz ) and DPI i should set ( max 5600 )
The question is what polling sense i should use ( 125, 500, 1000 hz ) and DPI i should set ( max 5600 )
The question is what polling sense i should use ( 125, 500, 1000 hz ) and DPI i should set ( max 5600 )

l2p read ' what dpi i should use '
image: mousesettings

best settings ;)
shit mouse np
i killed 1x logitech mx510, 1x logitech mx518 and the last was the g5. at all 3 mouse the mousefeets get fucked up. the feets from the mx510 and 518 were too small. the new version of the mx518 is totaly overpriced.
actually the old feet were better
not realy cause too small
shit mouse becuz of laser sensor :// next time buy infrared sensor for ET ;)
You should use 500 HZ & 800 DPI. :)
Hi. use dpi around 400-1000. In higher dpi you'll have negativ accel. Also set your polling rate to 500Hz. and fps on 125. I have Imperator too.. and I decide back to LACHESIS. The 3G sensor is way way better than 3.5G shit. (unstable Hz..lags.. etc)
u get negativ accel when ur dpi is higher then 800 :p
only with really fast moves
u have to find a good settings between sensi and dpi then u will not have any problem of negativ accel
yes. for me its like 2.5 sens @ 500dpi / 1.25 @ 1000dpi / 5 @ 250 dpi. And now I'm goging to test 3-rd option. Also pollingrate changing the feeling of mouse :)
see ya.
i play with 3.5sens @ 400 dpi :D
400 dpi & 1000hz or the maximum there is depending on ur cpu usage
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