Moviemaker avi (wedeus)

Hello crossies,

It's been a while since I wrote my last post about me being available to make a movie - I decided to stop making movies because I didn't have enough time to focus on this but now after few conversations with Poland requem I've changed my mind and I'm available again - but this time for a shorter project than my previous one.

Now I'd like to give a try to make an smg movie so I'm in need of some really fast paced frags (airstrikes are welcome too of course) against top clans so you have to be skilled (EC/NC).

I'm experienced, motivated enough to finish the project and I require from you to be patient enough because I'm not going to spend all my free time in front of this project so it will take a while until I finish; however, don't be worried. It won't take me longer than 6 months

If you are interested PM me via crossfire.

#Thoro-pictures ,

take that biatch :P
do a littler movie from my wourkout at gym !!
LOL <3 :D
Legend's comeback!
ask Poland aDman

or Poland szczurek!
ec/nc , not oc 4th div
played ec bro :)
can i touch you?
did you win a map? or set a time on any round?
was a merc in qualis, won 'em
Qualis =! EC
played ec qualis then
congratulations, put a pocal of it on your profile.
way too much slowmotion in your last project... too little editing
g00t luck
Seriously, take joshua.. His frags are insane.
pmme here or on GG
griim & lazio
Someone else is making their movie ;-)
Very nice quality , epic!
mst poker movie !
mi zrob, a nie jakies cipy bedziesz promowal
Nice mate :) pray for ninja cat to stay away from you :D
Haha yeah I should 8-D
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