Contributing Article

After I clicked submit I got an error saying no such article. Then I clicked again and it said I can't post 2 articles so fast but my article doesn't show up. Does it have to be reviewed first or something or is it a technical issue? Thanks.
It has to be approved first
Your article was disapproved by one of our trusted contributors. We'll have a look at what happened later today.
Nazifrop did not agree with the content of your article.
Most likely you criticized either the admin policy or any other thing related to certain nitpickers with admin rights.
Or you did insult some minorities but since I don't believe that, here's my advice:
Do NOT post while Nazifrop or some of his Gestapo fellas are online.
Inb4 Frop either deleting this comment or replying that he didn't disapprove your article while he's actually sitting giggling in his cave bragging to his e-buddys about being a god on crossfire.
Over and Out.
speak about nazi's when your the german
Congratulation,you totaly missed the point of my reply!
Enjoy your cookie.
Please consider hanging yourself.
Sincerly yours,
speak about nazi's when your the german
Congratulation,you totaly missed the point of his reply!
Enjoy your cookie.
Please consider hanging yourself.
Sincerly yours,
lolol, german talkin bout nazi's : DDDD
Congratulation,you totaly missed the point of my reply!
Enjoy your cookie.
Please consider hanging yourself.
Sincerly yours,
it's up there now some how and i think you'll find the reason it didn't get up the first time was that its a total crock of shit, frankly it's a worry that someone approved it on second submission!

so fuck off
I'm not sure columns need approval.
ah maybe you should ban him
Naziunblind does not agree?
just filling your inbox lol
Nazifrop did not agree with the content of your article.
Most likely you criticized either the admin policy or any other thing related to certain nitpickers with admin rights.
Or you did insult some minorities but since I don't believe that, here's my advice:
Do NOT post while Nazifrop or some of his Gestapo fellas are online.
Inb4 Frop either deleting this comment or replying that he didn't disapprove your article while he's actually sitting giggling in his cave bragging to his e-buddys about being a god on crossfire.
Over and Out.
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