Brink Summary

image: action_brink_revolutionbegins
Summary written for you by, the first & biggest german BRINK Community


LAST UPDATE of this thread: 16.03.2011

@ admins: if something is against the rules, please contact me first instead of deleting this thread!


image: brink_logo2

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks®
Developer: Splash Damage
Release Date: North America (May 17), Europa/Austria (May 20)
Platform: Games for Windows®/ Xbox 360™ / PLAYSTATION®3 System
Genre: Egoshooter

The Island

image: the_Ark2

Built in the near-future as part of a contemporary green vision, the Ark was a model for sustainable living. The massive man-made floating city became a home to the scientists and thinkers focused on making the vision a reality, while its wealthy patrons built a recreational paradise.

But soon the threat of a global environmental crisis became real: glaciers melted, sea levels rose, and the very survival of humanity was threatened. Thousands from around the globe fled to the Ark as a last hope. Refugees clung to survival however they could, while the original founders and their descendants struggled to maintain the island.

Now, the Ark has lost contact with what remained of the mainland and exists in total isolation. As the Ark's supposedly renewable resources dwindle, the balance of power threatens to unravel and throw competing social factions into a horrific conflict.

With tensions growing, Security and Resistance forces are locked in a heated battle for control of the Ark. Which side will you choose?

Check back as we reveal the battlefields of the Ark over the coming months.


image: brink-security

Back when the Ark was a floating five star eco-resort and R&D eco-science park, it only needed a small corporate Security team to perform risk management and VIP protection duties. But as the seas rose, and the trickle of refugees to the Ark became a flood, the Ark needed a police force. And then an armed gendarmerie.

Ark Security has now expanded into a heavily armed counter-terrorism force. Most Security personnel have volunteered because they're convinced that for the Ark to survive it must have peaceful order and conserve its remaining resources. And the extra water ration comes in useful too. Resistance provocations have forced Security to clamp down on Guest unrest, which has lead to the Ark teetering on the brink of outright revolt.


image: brink-widerstand

When the seas rose and coastal nations fell into panic, boatloads of refugees fought to find the Ark's secret location mid-ocean - only the lucky ones survived the trek. Initially, they were happy to have survived and gratefully accepted the cramped temporary housing, water rationing and dangerous maintenance jobs. But as the years passed, and conditions worsened, the Ark's new "Guests" came to question the status quo.

Are the Ark's Founders really doing all they can to re-establish contact with the outside world? Why are only the Guests on rationed water? If their work keeps the Ark afloat, why are they second class citizens? The Resistance formed from those sick and tired of being the Founders' captive workforce; they want equal water rations for all, and to use the Ark's dwindling resources to reach whatever's left of the World. Growing Guest unrest has led to Security crackdowns, which have brought the Ark to the brink of civil war.

Brink Diary Videos

Video Diary #1: The last stand

Video Diary #2: The Dawn of S.M.A.R.T.

Video Diary #3: The end of genre as we know it

Video Diary #4: Endless Horizon

Video Diary #5: Minds on the Brink


image: brink_wallpaper299br Wallpaper Contest

copyright: if you copy the wallpapers from the contest, please mention our copyright.

image: brink-wallpaper2-800x600

official wallpapers from

Concept Art

image: brink_cgs

Digital art hub CGSociety has published a great new feature delving deep into Brink's unique art style. Guided along by Art Director Olivier "Nosebone" Leonardi, the piece explores the origins of Brink's inimitable characters as well as the environments you'll be exploring in the game. It's all garnished with a massive amount of previously unseen concept art and also features guest appearances by Lead Environment Artist Aaron "Hoffa" Hoffman, Lead Character Artist Tim "spacemonkey" Appleby, and Senior Concept Artist Laurel "Tully" Austin.

see the Concept Art over at



Brink Avatars over at

Developer Diaries

Dev Diary #1: Welcome to Brink

image: 081409_4

Dev Diary #2: A contrasting Reality

image: 100909_03

Dev Diary #3: Ed Stern

Dev Diary #4: Aubrey Hesselgren

image: brink_devdiary4_possibilityspace



Container City - Part 1

own3D: Container City - Part 1

Container City - Part 2
[url=]own3D: Container City - Part 2

Container City - Part 3
[url=]own3D: Container City - Part 3


Live Show
[url=]own3D: Live Show

Demo Gameplay

own3D: Demo Gameplay

IRC Channels

#brink (official)
#gamingpalace (german brink community)
#3on3.brink (war-searching)
#5on5.brink (war-searching)
#8on8.brink (war-searching)

UPDATE 23.01.2011

image: gif_brink_10

We've got a new video, putting the guns of Brink’s front and center. Titled A Choir of Guns, the video uses Brink's arsenal of firearms to create a bullet-laden concert of death and destruction, and also showcases some of the weapon customisation options you’ll have in the game.

Towards the video, theres a new Dev Diary #5 too:
read it over at

UPDATE 27.01.2011

image: gif_brink_release

In an official press announcement, Bethesda tells the release date of BRINK. The game will ship in North America on May 17, with Europe and Australia following later that same week on May 20.

UPDATE 16.03.2011

image: logo
GAMINGPALACE.DE, first & biggest german BRINK community
the fuck is egoshooter lol
nice post :)
Frühling 2011

whats that???
frühling = spring
QuoteGenre: Egoshooter

this game is for BelgiummAus

very nice info given there...thnx for the post.
aka first-person-shooter (called egoshooter in germany)
u serious? i was jk
i know :)

and yes, i am serious.
can someone please give me money to buy BRINK?
u have till spring :x.
paypal account ??
Some demo please
Makes me wanna test it tbh.
nice work
some gameplay vids would be nice
well whats about gameplay? would like to see
oh boy...
No!!! You can't replace my beloved one and only ET!!!
Looks awesome - particularly like the quote "it's about movement and shooting".

Will defo buy for the console, prolly give the pc a try too.

Ps sweet!
Looks like a mix between COD7, ET and Mirror's Edge. Sounds promising :)
The thing is, only one of those games is of the type I'd enjoy playing extensively.
it will not be a competetive game at all due to many reasons, the most imprtant one being

image: brink_devdiary4_possibilityspace

the game idea itself makes it pub shit
have you read about the SMART idea? if yes, you wouldnt say there isnt a competetive mode. even the SMART helps you to find a smooth way, its like in ET. With a lot of train, you will get faster and higher than other ones and so on (as i heart from the devs)
i hardly doubt they were honest being busy with skin modifications.
this movement / gameplay is actually cool. if itll work as in the movies and on
that pic, then it'll be cool stuff. still, copied from mirror's edge.. but cool stuff!

acrobatic gameplay .. no 'stick stuck up ass' movement .. like et
Yeah, but so far every single successful competitive multiplayer game had static gameplay. Even CoD:BO still plays like the original CoD despite its immense possibilities due to its physics engine.
yea .. but well. let's give it a try .. i think it'll be cool :)
I personnally don't mind that, and if we're being honest, we won't be able to stick with "strafejump gets you further than usual jumps" and "doublejumps lift you up 120 units instead of a hundred" kinda engines forever.
yup.. true that!! .. time to move on!

but i miss a chick in this game.. seems no chicks involved :(
I'm not too fond of the entire character design actually. It's to comic-esque for me. If they maintain that style, some female characters surely wouldn't look misplaced, but if they went for a more serious design that would suit the story better (imho), females would seem terribly out of place.
these vids aren't new, they are about one year old. But thanks for your comment, so i will add the container city gameplay vids ;)
UPDATE: 11.01.2011
i bought wolfenstein and learned my lesson
wolfenstein 2k10 sucked.

however, the MP maps were pretty decent I thought and TDM was a good idea

but most of the time i got 1000 ping and lots of fps drops ;(
did you get the chance to test the movement while you were not lagging out?

only decent thing was MP map design and that doesn't even count for all maps :<
movement was slower than ET but acceptable. No strafing BUT the pro-mod added that. When in veil mode it felt more like ET.

the guns weren't at a bad spread either
You should be more active on the Brink forums , we're currently discussing how to make competition attractive for the ET community ;)

oh and it has : sprinting+shooting , gibbing and nearly the same classes as ET ;)
i doubt it has only a chance by ET players if its based on the same engine or an engine what has the same physics.

The best example is the success of ET itself after RTCW.

Or that Quake is still played after such a long time.

Its to see on Wolfenstein 2k10 and ET:QW the same name doesnt helped coz they had other physics engines.
The engine is id4 tech , so I gues the same as etqw ?

As for switching , everybody has their opinion on the matter.However when saying it's gonna suck before it's released and before you even played it is uberconservative and not open-minded at all quite frankly..
Actually, I'm pretty sure that 99% of this community has played other games. So, nothing new, like COD has done since, what, 2007/2008? The ET community and Quake community will not play a game where things are like the CoD series. There is a reason why they play Quake engine based games instead of the idtech4 and Half Life engine. If I say I don't like marmite I don't like it.
Just because there are iron sights doesn't mean it's another COD look-a-like .

Brink is way more than that and has TONS of elements similar to ET , RTCW
If you got what I was saying... why would people say they don't like iron sights, unless they didn't like it. I would understand a statement like, the sounds in the game are amazing, and add something towards the game that will blow you away. Not 'iron sights are ok for me, but not for you, but you must like them,although this game is aimed at the community who play without ironsights.'
Hurr durr, the very foundations of the game are different than in CoD. A game having ironsights doesn't make it a CoD-clone. Brink is objective-based, more fast paced and you aren't required to use the iron sights if you don't want to. Ironsights don't make a game slow-paced - dying too easily does. You won't go down from a couple of hits in Brink like you would in games like Counter-Strike or CoD, so that problem ought to be gone.

Do you do nothing but whine about this game?
the quake engine is too old, it will never be used again by developpers. Its right, it was the best engine, but developement doesnt stay still...
Strange how MW2 runs on a modified Q3 engine. Too old? I think not!
You could call it a modified Q3 engine in the age of cod1 and cod2.. although it still is similar to Q3 in some aspects, it's not comparable anymore.. although it really is, i wouldn't call it a modified Q3 engine these days because so much has changed in it over the years
It still beats the crap out of the Q4 engine!
thats why i wrote "or an engine what has the same physics"

sure the graphics are to old for new games but they could write an engine with the same physics parameters.
Nice post :)
definitely going to buy it :P
yeah, i'm also pretty much interested.

i really, REALLY hope the hype about the game is not bigger than the game itself.
like with wolfenstein.. etc pp :-(
There is a new trailer at the main site.
right, i wrote a news about the new trailer and dev diary here on cf, but it got deleted by an admin, dont know why...
So this is something like advertising here ?

How is it connected with et/cod or w/e ?

Is it going to be 'main' game of cf community ?
BRINK is at least one of the games Crossfire supports by having a forum and a category for it.
It's made by Splash Damage, and because the company also made ET and is aiming to make Brink a spiritual successor to it (same objective based game type, relatively fast paced and such stuff), so I guess that's why.
brink is great. i have never saw anything greater than brink. if i had to chose between brink and kebab i would chose brink, because it is the best thing humans ever created. it is so great that im dreaming of it daily. I would love to see other games beeing like brink, because its just amazing to play it. I hope that the developers are continuing to improve this game, eventho there is nearly nothing to improve i guess. Brink changed my life.
your account got hacked
God how awesome would it be to eat kebab and play brink at the same time o0
orgasm 24/7
“Oh man, you remember that time I was trying to disarm that HE Charge, but then an Operative on our team threw an EMP grenade which slowed the charge's countdown, but then Joe on the other team headshot me, but you revived me, then he shot you and I shot him and you killed him with your last bullet and I disarmed the charge with a second to go.”

From an interview with Splash Damage's Ed Stern by Time:

Reminds me of some epic ET moments.
... schiffswerft ... *sigh*

Anyway, game will suck.
Unless Bani arises from the dead and makes an epic pro mod. Vanilla ET sucked also, maybe worse than CoD4.
Even vanilla ET is better than Brink will be. A mod can't fix everything. It can't fix the feel of the engine for instance, and that is exactly why I think a lot of games are failing.

Eye-candy sells, no matter how robotic or jerky the movement feels.
Well it can fix the netcode, which was really shit in vanilla ET. I will reserve judgement until I play the demo. Yes all other games on idtech4 have been shit but maybe they have found a way to improve the engine.
No and no... Oh and no.

Edit: and also, no.
So ETpro did not fix the netcode and hitboxes? And also add the CPM features to the engine? Guess we are playing a different game.
The "no's" were only a reply to the last part of your post.
I will play the demo and see, I am hoping it is a good game. No reason to hope it fails.
Oh I'm not hoping it fails, I just have a hunch it will fail. When it's out I'll play the demo as well and if there is no demo I'll download it and play it and if I like it I'll buy it, but I have a hunch that after playing it for about 15 to 30 minutes I'll be doing an uninstall and never touch it again.
I will also be doing the same thing, and I expect it to fail also. But I will give it a very fair shot with no expectations at all.
was Wolfenstein 2010 made on that idtech4 engine? cuz if it was this one is going down the drain as well. At first looked really cool, but the lack of good gameplay will kill it.

* regenerates health *

Ok, time to continue playing fully healed (-buffs) without actually needing a medic. Yeah! Another casual FPS!
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