eT Recruiting

Elite-trickjump is currently recruiting!

irc: #elite-jumpers

Skill we're looking for: Great trickjumping, strafing, Neji 5 axis, all funjumps map!

If any of you are interested in joining... let us know on #elite-jumpers

Preview of skill we're looking for:

Thank you
dont know why you are spending your time on maps like neji5, you wont encounter the jumps anywhere in the real maps :P
they are jumping because its fun, they're not doing it because they wana encounter it in wars or something
upload your config.. i want it!! :o
so you just want to trickjump with the people you recruit?
we're looking for
i can do axis on nejijump5, i could try
i was able to do axis on neji5 but not anymore, havent trickjumped for half a year :/
I can't even do wall jump on oasis!!
recruit this guy, he's a leet trickjumper

image: leeter
Or one of his buddies, I think so ;d
guesswho is eT|hihi.

abarth still alive ? mygad :(
gl guys
any 1 knows what's the name of that mp3 of the vid pls?
10x dude :)
I remember that movie, saw it earlier. Great skillz, but as perfo said It might be ok to train ur strafes, but I prefer real map trickjumps :D
neji5 np for me ..... just need to get back 24\7 TJ ;]
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