Schubkraft need 1

Team Schubkraft looks for a nice guy for 5 on 5 lineup

Our current lineup :

-) Germany Reaction
-) Germanybadd!
-) GermanyJack
-) AustriarAzer
-) Germanyerich

What we offer:

-)Ts3 Server
-)Friendly Atmosphere
-)no kids
-)fun ingaming
-)experienced and kinda skilled gaming..

What we want :
-)Medic (Engineer)
-)also kinda skilled
-)teamplay and obj play oriented
-)no clanhoppers

Wanna join? Pm me or add me in xfire : baddi87
sk gaming?
thought SK-Gaming... lol, gl but get another tag.
what a ridiculous comment....
What a ridiculous tag. It's like me thinking Dignitas is playing offis when I look at the gtv schedule and it's just deathless.
there are similiar things in this world and to complain about these things is just ridiculous in my eyes. Schubkraft is their Clanname and if they tag it like SK where is the problem?...
When I'm not allowed to complain to the minor things in the world that disturb me you're not allowed to complain about my comment since both are obsolete in this big world that has bigger problems, right?
because "SK" is a copyrighted Brand, and it's simply lame.
so you saw SK recruiting and you thought "this definitely applies to me, i'll check it out!"
No, I wondered since when the fuck they have an ET squad and immediately took a look
No gl for name stealers!
gl, reaction good in 2.55 never saw him in etpro :D might be next talent
walle avi, back to the roots
schroet kommando!
gl reaction :D
needs some SwedenHeatoN and SwedenSpawN
erich... blasphemy!
avi for tryout
this sounds like a huge troll
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