Apple avi

So erm, after coming back to ET i'm thinking about playing a bit more actively again.

I can play most classes, although I would prefer to play rifle/medic. I'm not gonna go and say what skill I am because to be quite honest, I have no idea and saying anything over med will be interpreted by everyone as an exaggeration :) Make up your own mind!

However, having said I'm looking for a team who are med skilled at least, any better is a bonus!

A few of my ex clans are in my profile, although they were from 4 years ago so I'm not sure if they are of any use. I would name more, but it was so long ago I can't remember any of them.

Anyway, you can contact me on irc as " appled " or just throw me a pm on here.

Gl man :)

appell: HOE IS JE AIM ATM?
ow read an other nick :X, my bad
nice backstab
good luck
good luck
good luck oldsqlr
I know, too old! Don't know anyone who plays this shit anymore :p
appleeeeeeeeee !!

prefer windows
Good luck mate, I recently started playing again too, nice to see you back!
gL maaans!
gl raze
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