ESL & Frost_comp_b2

yesterday people had doubts here on xfire bout Frost-comp-b2 being a competive map.

i read comments like "too unbalanced", "shitty snow" or "too less testgames to proove that its good for competition."

yesterday night ESL showed us the groups & maps 4 upcomming premiership. k, the best maps r in the pool. but with frost_comp_b2 we got a map that has never been played.

Quote aus der mail:
Quote SW Catheadral hat sich definitv nicht durchgesetzt und der Test auf der SHG Open ist fehlgeschlagen. Aus diesem Grund werden wir die Map "Frost_comp_b2" für diesen Premiership nutzen. Die Map wird am 2. und 4. Spieltag zum Einsatz kommen.

(1) 05.03. - 11.03.2007 Maps: Supply, Radar
(2) 12.03. - 18.03.2007 Maps: Braundorf, frost_comp_b2
(3) 19.03. - 25.03.2007 Maps: SW Goldrush TE, Frostbite
(4) 26.03. - 01.04.2007 Maps: frost_comp_b2, Supply
(Nachholspiele und ggf. 5. Gruppenspiel)
(X) 01.04. - 04.04.2007 Maps: Radar, SW Goldrush TE (wenn offizieller Spieltag)

english (short form):
Cathedral has been tested at SHG and its bullshit. therefore we choose Frost_comp_b2 for premiership. it will be played at 2nd and 4th....

the test at SHG failed so we choose another map which didnt ever fail cause we never tested it?!? if thats logic i am too stupid to understand?!?

Oh, and lets play it twice, give a shit on braun or frost :)
the pont is :

how do you wants to know if this or that map is able to take a place in the mappools, if we dont test it in some comp ? as possible ofc, some comp are too important to be a 'test-map-comp' ...
Frost_Comp_b2 is a nice map. It is crossfire based, and that is nice. Only thing that could have been different though is the way to the truck.
map hater...
i rly like that base12-thingy, warbell is interesting, i love maps like hydrodam or Baserace. but not every map is worthy to play it in cups/leagues...imo....thx
On my experience , we have played it 3 or 4 times vs rewind and its a total shitmap.
if allies have the command post , the map is over ,simple as that , as for the long useless truckdriving which actually takes more time then playing the rest of the map.

With command post up it is impossible to defend this documents for like 5 minutes , no way to get docs back or to think about holding the truck a while because its just to far away... this map is even more lotto then adlernest , not good for competition imo .
100% agree
same expiriences after some 2on2´s

especially if docs r in the truck, axis have to run for like 15sec till they reach the area the truck usually is parking. if u r not backraped till u reach that area, u r dead now for sure. cause now the defense runs through an huge area ( -> 1st&last phase unbalanced)
and idd with the cp-thingy. defense without a covert is more or less useless cause offense rushes u down sooner or later if they own cp
first of all remove the snow kthx
just as the Fueldump spring version ??
who cares ESL Premiership ?

This whole "German Premiership" is only one big joke anyways.

They allow mixteams (such as RAMBO or Eierbaeren) to play, imo u can compare it with Liga4Fun.

Just one big joke, i would boycott such a shit
who cares bout a warsow-gamers opinion bout ET? :D

anyway, i am glad that u guys r going to drop, i was freaky like h3ll bout that :)

edit: lol, schon 3 ausm team...aus fairnessgründen solltet ihr euch heut abmelden, vllt warten nachrücker...und in zukunft vllt erst denken, dann handeln. für uns isses der einzige cup atm, ka wie eure ziele aussehen (lol)
ich hab mit team doll fei nix zu tun, ausser das ich halt juice kenne und honorable member bin, aber ich spiele da weder, noch hab ich irgendwelche Entscheidungsgewalt bzgl. Cup droppen o.ä.

Ich wollte nur meine Meinung zu der "ESL Premiership aka Gather-Cup aka L4F-Cup" kundtun :)

Und ja die Gruppen sind auch sehr ausgeglichen :-)
Wenn du willst kannst du dir jederzeit den fießesten bash deines lebens abholen! JUNGE!
logo isses kein ec, aber atm gibts nix andres - oder irr ich mich?

lächerlich wird so n cup erst, wenn möglichst viele teams aus solch respektablen gründen wie "They allow mixteams (such as RAMBO or Eierbaeren)" droppen.
Lieber hab ichn humm3l-mix-team im final, als 5 teams, die eigentlich kein bock drauf haben und nachm 2. loss droppen...
is die gruppe evtl zu schwer?

btw dacht ich daß honorable au spielberechtigt sind, wayne...

und wenn schon immer generell was gegensätzlich zu meinen xfire-posts schreiben willst/mußt/kannst/sollst, bezieh dich wenigstens aufs thema, sonst schreib ich nämlich sowas wie "tony, hör jetzt endlich mal auf zu whinen" :P

P.S.: Abmeldung nicht vergessen @ESL!
ich hab dich auch lieb tony :)
glaub ich dir nimmer :(

am wochenende haste au nit vorbeigeschaut...
Quotebtw dacht ich daß honorable au spielberechtigt sind, wayne...

Richtig gedacht. Die dürfen spielen. Du kannst das doch selber im Command Center von deinem Team einstellen. ;o
Frost 2 is unbalenced, some changes are been put on paper and i hope the creator will change those points :))
actually I liked cathedral but this frost shit is just fucking shit. shit shit and shit.
cause you got *BB*PWNED
not by you =D=D
my rifle was amazing.
Leon was always: shoot rifle, i did and tked him =DDD
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