mArfzeeer avi

Hi, I'm looking for an active clan opened up
Looking into the clan back up

Nick) mArfzeeer
Age) 14 But 6.February 15age;)
From?) Czech Republic, But im italian medium and I speak Italian, Czech and low English
Skill) oh ... : D + Low / Med-
Contact me @ quakenet # czet / q mArfzeeer
I usually like flaming newcomers but since you're a czech vole hovno cikani.
Good luck.
:D:D:D:D:D:D low+/med- :D jestli jsi ty low+/med- tak já jsem med :D jinak GL :D
if ur med-, ill eat my mouse.. ;)
Im med- !!!!
take him for some poke/low- clan
he is good whiner and he has great vulgar dictionary
also he is good for getting frags on him
anyway i still think that he is great, cuz he always goes alone

and he is too low to translate this :)
shame on u fag, ur not so awesome to make others low! With these posts u make bad name for czech community so be more careful on ur behave..
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