wedeus avi


So, I'm looking for a decent clan to play some 5v5 wars. It's been a while since I played last time, like 2months or so.

ET seems to be very boring nowadays so it's important for me to play with a nice bunch of people with a good sense of humor, it would be a good refreshment for me.

What can I say about me? I'm a nice guy from a hated by all of you country, Poland but I hope it won't be a problem for most of you. I do speak English quite fluently so I probably won't have any communication problems in the English-speaking clan. Since my aim isn't the best thing I've got in this game I always used to be more a brain based player/objective boy.

Something about the classes which I used to play as, well I always played mainly as an eng smg/medic but I have nothing against playing as a soldier or fieldops since I'm quite a good multiclasser.

Oh and I almost forgot about it, I'm available 3times/per, don't really care which days I just don't want to spend all my time in front of this game since I do have some other more important things to do on PC.

If you are interested you can leave me a message here, or just try to find me at #Thoro-pictures or

gl precel
Good luck: )
deserved spot in team Poland
who ? gl w3de :d
gl!!!!!!!! <3
gl man :)
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