et laggs

hey there,

for some weeks now i have ingame laggs. they're not caused by network problems, because i can still talk in teamspeak when i lag. in addition i have checked my connection via network monitor, no noticeable problems.

these laggs appear irregularly, sometimes no laggs till i played for 30min or even more, but then all 3-5min. those laggs stay for 5-15secs. the lagometer shows a big yellow line on the top of the lagometer.

i tried to reinstall et, no improvement.

now im in need of ur help. thanks in advance!

btw my system is good enough to run 10x et, so it wont be caused by that i guess :D

its like mAus is messi in ET
this doesnt help me a thing dude :x
mAus is short :O?
btw i have stable fps even when i lag
have u tried contact ur internet provider via phone?
its not caused by my connection
as i read recently, yellow part of lagometer is shows server status...
When I play ET, sometimes ingame suddenly the game Freezes. I'm able to talk on vent meanwhile, but can't do shit in game or outgame. I always press CTRL+ALT+DEL and ALT+Z. After like 10 seconds the game runs again.. This problem happends 1/2 times a match and sometimes never.. I don't know how to fix it, haven't rly made a topic about it..
sounds like my prob :s
yea got the same problem, but the worst thing is it ever happens to me when theres a game deciding situation :(
Ye got the same, I most of the time get full and then my team gets mad hehe
same here since a week :D + fps drops all the time, prolly graphic card
i got every 2 mins a 2 sec lagg.... sucks!
i got every 2 mins 5 sec laggspikes
had quite the same prob :[ -> reinstalled os -> works fine so far
i had the probs mainly with slac=on -> blame slac?! :D
i have them even with slac off :-/
Dualcores? Assign one core to run ET one completly.
hexcore. how to?
-click processes
-right-click the program you want
-click Affinity
-check the CPU(s) on or off, whatever you want.
Then what Mr constructive?
et is only running on one core, and if u set et to run on an other one via taskmanager, et doesn't care and run again on the same core not on an other one.
and that, sir, is exactly why I suddenly got averagely 20 more FPS after setting my CPU affinity in the task manager
i don't know why u got even more fps, cause it's senseless and i don't care cause i have my stable 125fps without doing things like u guys did ....
If you have stable 125 while the goldrush tank arrives, you're a god and I hereby declare my eternal love.
scan ur system might be some "rockit" (:D) use connection and cause u lags...some spyware/malware etc...
prolly due slac, compare with and without(delete all files - you feel better instantly)
i think thats it! thanks :D
format C:\ destii :p
What a shame pb is not used any longer, with pb ppl would said its pb
obviously that it's lagging after turn off pb :)
slac worm
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