Banks in the uk

This is probably only for people in the uk as im not sure how the banks and laws work in Europe but i can immagine it might be the same.

The banks charge people around average 28 pound per letter, as most of you are aware of this it is illegal. Im currently making 2 claims against hsbc and lloyds as they charged me a fucking fortune for shit like this.

I have counted up all the charges that they took off me and most likely too get back £3,475 plus intrest and a good will gesture amount.

If you have had these charges i recommend you follow the advice on the link above or just send me a pm and i can give you more info.

Good luck if you decide too take action, you have nothing too lose
Yeah great, now they're gonna start charging for having an account.

Result !
At the moment I already pay 15 quid for my bank account. With this account I get AA break down cover and breakdown cover abroad, Mobile phone insurnace, Home insurance and a load of other things! I am looking up claiming back a few hundred as I went over my over draft 4 times in two months!!
With regards too paying for services these are not refundable.

The only charges that are fundable are the 1's where they charge you for sending letters where you have too cover the costs for them too send the letters.
you do know that too!=to ?
If they don't refund the charges send in the bailiffs, they will soon change their tune.

do they use too instead of to in banks? :/
Do they have banks in your 3rd world country?
yes, and I am quite sure people in those banks can spell

oh, and at least people in my 3rd world country aren't idiotic enough to pay 28 pounds for a letter
you have no choice. They send the letter and take the money without asking you. Thats his whole point.
im with barclays, and ive been overdrawn loads of times and havent been charged once, despite letters been sent out etc. And tbh if you know anyone at a local branch etc they can have pretty much anything "sorted" in that regards. Banks have always been good to me so i have no problems with them.
get used to it in 2 years theyre gonna charge you some cents for withdrawing from an atm(the same bank ) then its gonna be more.
Barclays are the best bank out there imho.

All banks are robbing bastards, but at least Barclays don't charge you for the letter that tells you so.
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