Impact Searching...

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... for admins who are willing to help administrate some of the forthcoming ET Masters Games[/u]. Please contact eVo`i in United Kingdom#Impact.Gaming with the following information:

- Your CUP Admin experience
- Your availability to administrate the forthcoming cup
- Any experience you may have organising the games, private channels, ETTV etc

Please do not apply if you aren't going to take this seriously and because you want to sit on the server live instead of on ETTV since i will just not respond to you.

Goodluck :>
organizing sux :( i just know
btw the whole ovs died or just the ET part?
well ofc just ET... but after our CSS squad left 1 month before i rly thinking about to get a life instead of ovs whiners xDD now only a 3v3 squad :P
ah gl with your rL :D
managing a mgc is always work with little payback, as soon as your teams start winning competitions there might be an occasional mousepad left for you ;p

there are very few people who earn money for their management jobs in the clan world :(
never waiting money for my work :D
get a life xD
azt hallottam Styrbtől nem is vagy akkora suttyó amilyennek a neten ismerlek :)
#ovs-gaming for better life:O?
ETTV guys handle it best themselves :o)

gtv`testbot > *
true but organising match server capable of holding the game etc, that was my point
let 'em write big-ass matchreports :o)
can i join your ET Team?
heard they suck and need some improvment
you heard wrong but either way they cant suck that bad :P
no xp for me :<, any offers for your cup admins? xD
isn't a 'thanks' at the end of the cup enough for u ? :)
yes xD, that is why i am in
If theres money involved, I co-organised all the #et.gather.cups
i signup if the payment form is mystic cfg
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