BRINK - Last video

I've just found out this video in youtube that seems to be the most recent one. From my point of view looks is gonna be a nice game :-)
that sucks balls...
A fucking greed.... the game doesn't even deserve a chance... they have taken everything that I personally don't like and turned it into a game... FUCKING KILLZONE - SHIT GAME, MIRRORS EDGE (GOOD GAME BUT SHIT IN FPS), CALL OF FUCKING DUTY - SPRAY = TERRIBLE.... into 1 game called BRINK... the only thing that is on the brink of edge of is my fucking turd.
it does look nice indeed, was also included in most recent news by GeneralWolfens, but got deleted :(
he said, that admins told him, that it seemed like he posted it,as if it was his text (even though it was in a quote-frame...apparently not enough to indicate, that it's been quoted...)
nah, was about the vid above, "Brink - A Choir of Guns", included an interview
Looks fast-paced enough I must say. I mean, the hip-shooting parts.
Yeah... did you see the fucking spray... it's like shooting the sniper on COD without a scope.....
I won't judge it until it's released and I can try it for myself.
Good luck with that. 100% fail game... ET will be the game people play... there will be another update to ETPRO... improved netcode, skins, weapons and ability to customise game more... I see into the future.
I liked Bad Company 2, and with that still have faith in modern shooters.

As for updates for ETPro, stop lying to yourself. bani hasn't done shit except posted unfunny youtube links on his IRC channel for years, and the only faint hope we have is that they release the source code so that someone could work on it. Hasn't happened in the past four years and it ain't gonna happen in the forthcoming four years, so oh well.

XReal looks nice though, but my pessimist side is telling me that it won't have enough support so that it could be used in competitive play (i.e. it won't either work with etpro or SLAC or perhaps neither of them). Besides, I doubt any random modern shooterbob is going to be very interested in the ET-XReaL project either, unless someone actually manages to release a complete reskin of literally everything related to the game.
Apart from being a douchebag you're also a retard, nice combination mate! A retarded douchebag.
See my flag... that gives me the reason.
i really want to play it, but i also wonder how successful the game will be.
Fun on pub for 30mins.
looks so much like TF2...
people disliked Wolfenstein and they like this?
World, I am disappointed.
come on man !!... wolfenstein was the biggest fail of the last years.
thanks to the leaked beta :)
and still, it has one of the best sp of all time :)
How exactly does a leaked beta that enables actual community feedback (since they have actually played the game) differ from a purposely given out beta that enables actual community feedback? If anything, the leaked beta should have improved Wolfenstein's MP.
Quoteand still, it has one of the best sp of all time :)

excuse me wat
he's obviously not played minesweeper
wow, so much fails in just 2 sentences
wolf sucked for me because of the laggy-as-hell engine, one or two game features (fixable by a mod tbh) and because i got a 10000 ping on every server for some reason
Poor netcode is poor ;)... this game actually doesn't interest me... I'm normally open arms to games, apart from this and ETQW... they're shit as hell... the sound is fucking awesome... I must say... amazing top notch... but the game.... it's shit... the spraying is fucking terrible... a mod would need to do a hell of a good job to fix this mess.... I told them this would happen with ETQW they never listened and it happened. The game looks fun for 30mins max on a pub... not gonna be addicting.
well wolf 2k10 wasnt so bad to play actually, and the pro mod did a good job, but its hard to fix a game thats extremely laggy and drops FPS
Is there an in advace system requiement already?
It looks pretty nice.

I see you are waiting for it as etqw player.
I am Zenix and hope you see you there as well :-)
I will buy and try it for sure.
But i don't know if i will play it in competition.
sup, i hope its gonna run smoothly on mine pc D:
start saving flamigo.
im gonna steal yours, and make myself a nice present for xmas <3
I will buy bulldozer perhaps, so i will sell this again.
looks promising, looking forward to it
niice :)
etplayers will be dissapointed.
wisely said
can be good, can be bad

players must accept new things and also the fact that there will be no other games with that rtcw/et feeling
Give it the "drunk irishman" award. It's equally annoying and frequent.
hell yeah!
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