ET + processor with 4 threads


I found some journals and forum topics with similar problems, but I couldn't find any solution out of those.

I just recently bought a new computer, and I thought it would run ET well but I haven't been able to find the right settings to get my fps on a decent level (got 76fps in tkbtimedemo, my pentium4 could do 145fps). I'm quite sure that this problem is not et-config related. Since ET doesn't support multiple processors, I guess the performance is lacking due to the fact that the 2,4 Ghz of power is divided to 4 threads instead of just 2. So anyone owning an Intel dualcore processor with HTT, could possibly guide me what to do. I have an Intel core i3 350M myself.
ET lacks multicore rendering and i3 isn't the most powerful processor brand out there so quite unsurprising.
based on some searching you seem to have a quadcore processor, mind to give any advice on what kind of affinity settings give you the best FPS, or is there any difference no matter what you set?
I use pbprior to set the affinity to all 4 cores so that the OS cycles it around depending on which core has the least load (I guess).
Are you playing any other games?
Choosing a i3 processor which isn't compatible to ET wasn't that intelligent, since ET can't use multiple cores anyway.
PBPrior is a quite useful tool, like burneddi said, try it. That is probably the only thing you can do. :/
i3 here! o/ work just fine. :p No problems detected so far in any game. No tricks been made. Just install and play. :p
get et to run on 1 core and 1 core only rather than being allowed to swap between them

affiliated with 1 core
is it possible to make it start like that without having to configure my task manager ?every time I start ET?
nope, after every map change
shit game is shit. great reason to quit
but with cores set to all 4 of 'em or just one? :)
Depends on what do you want to do. I like to keep the affinity on all fours so that the game runs on the core with the most power available, but whatever floats your boat.
umm im sure theres a way coz i dont have to do it

try using google :p
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