[ET-BOX]ET-Core Returns!

For those who have been around for a few years have probably played on the old school North American servers called [ET BOX]ET-Core. It was one of a series of servers designed for competitive players to get a little bit of pub action in a competition setting, much like the old ND80 Box in RTCW. FRENCHY, the ET Box East owner has decided to bring back one of the servers, this time located in the United Kingdom. In addition, it will be a SLAC forced server.

The server is set up as a 16 public slot with the current map rotation of:
ET_Ice, Frostbite, Supply, Bremenb2, Adlernest, Braundorf, tc_base, Goldrush, special delivery, and radar

FRENCHY and myself (Parker)

If there are any server issues feel free to hit me up on xfire defectinfidel or FRENCHY's xfire sho0t315

Have fun and enjoy!

Finally, see you there !

Oh wait...
:<<< i thought the american publics were coming back, i miss play with 150 ping >.<
but UK servers arent so bad , thx guys :D
ip maybe? ":D"
bring back snl, etbox core and sta to NA and let the americans niggaz play with good ping.
IPppppP? heres the ip :D
edit the main post and add it there ;)
make it bremen_b3 imo :D
Awesome, already looking forward to play again with some old friends from NA :)
ya i was a bit sleepy when i posted :o oops
wanted to leave beerrun on but i hear EUROPE doesnt like that map verry much hehe
Every European who has played on ET-BOX before loves that map! Not one single server runs it though :(
Make it United States of America again! Nostalgia above everything!!

+ Beer Run beta7a (loved playing that one)

I miss the original SNL Public :(
but ET box was just as good ^.^
naw, before the community died (read: when twl dropped ET) et box was known as cheater box...SNL was the better of those 2 :)
surely wouldnt mind Beerrun, i miss playing that map -_-
seems nice, ill sureley hit it up, an etbox without CmDbond is win
+1 that kid was both retarded and bad at et :(
those server were so good when they were run by frenchy. he had cheaters gobbling his tiny penis up all day everyday to get ref and rcon. was such a great server. man im glad you guys are bringing it back.
Glad keith doesn't have admin because everyone in NA was banned because apparently we all cheated.
hi error. if you say you dont cheat over and over while raping walls and glorifying your pbbans, you might make people believe you.
are you trolling these forums too? go back trolling NA forums oh wait you banned everyone so there was no need for them anymore

image: 258troll_spray
if you make it up on the internet, it becomes true in real life
actually your very wrong keith. Frenchy didnt give anyone admin except myself, a completely clean player going on 7 and a half years now, and Mani, which was TWL's Anti cheat. get your info straight

your thinking of STA Box, the one not run but sky, but by shiz. k thx.
no im definitely talking about frenchy. the kid that would idle his own server for days on end. mani had rcon and never used it. Ref was passed around to a whole slew of people.

Parker- we still get raped by everyone in north america 7 years later. Lets get a server in euroland, and name it something popular from NA et past. That will make me popular amiright?

Frenchie - BRILLIANT! I'M IN
lawl? i can see you've returned to your retarded self. your wrong, and it doesnt matter, we dont need to prove anything to you.

secondly, i was the one who started the first ET box with uh ho and cmdbond, and ran all other 6 of them after that including the Frontline series 1-5. I dont need to make anything up nor make myself more popular. I dont feed of people accepting me like you do, sorry.

please, say something true. so far u are making shit up on the internet, hoping that it becomes the truth

"shaftz0r: if you make it up on the internet, it becomes true in real life "
"the kid that would idle his own server for days on end. mani had rcon and never used it. Ref was passed around to a whole slew of people."

this is a true statement. how you don't remember the whole debacle basically proves that you huff paint
thought there were some other etboxes before cmdbond''s?
actually, he's somewhat right. At one point all thse random new talents came around, jumped on his dick and eventho they had like 2-3 busts, they were never banned cause they were friends of frenchy iirc.

lets not even mention shiz, the disgrace of NA ET and destructor of the good name SNL once had.
haha there might have been one of his friends from can, but i dont recall.

as for earlier et box servers, no. from my knowledge, ND80 was the player who started the Stopwatch competition servers while still in RTCW, and obviously named his servers "ND80 Box". When ET came out, i believe he had one here for a while before shutting it down. ET Box came out with a modified version of that, and continued the generation of servers including FrontLine series and SNL.
Thanks for the history lesson bro, but I've been there since the start so I know whats what.
ment for shafty
You were banned cause you did cheat.
That's not nice
Its not nice, but its the truth.
but i proved myself on slac :( .... Should find my pbbans to give people a reason to hate
besides me and like 10 others, nobody in this community knows who you are so doubt anyone cares :-)
I'm famous thooooo ... been around alot longer then most of the people who play now, alot of the new people tho know me as phokuz and not by my old names ;) . How come I tell people to get thes bans but noone does? :[
like Im going to search a massive database to find a bust nobody really gives a fuck about.
Damm this shit feels like facebook, So don't make up things ;) I hate cheaters!
Yeah its almost like facebook...what?!? can you at least make somewhat sense please?
Why would I bother looking up some bust when I know for a fact you had been perma banned from TWL for many years. Just stop replying if you're not gonna say anything useful.
because ive done that 100 times for you. you're a sad teenager that tried really hard, and gets decimated, hence why you cheated. you proved yourself on slac, thats for sure. proved that you obviously cheated that is. much like watching dom and twoguns without cheats. really funny.
I'm pretty sure I'm NA's Top ET Player, and I stomped you out the other day on slac but you kept quiet :( because you realized everyone you accused of cheating doesn't cheat. I'm still waiting for them though, you never showed me any bans but my old name I used to go by and when you did that you blocked me on xfire lol, dam.. I guess being the best NA player comes with haters.
wow..... so you're saying that i never produced the 3 pbbans that i went out of my way to show an idiotic teenager, and that we scrimmed somewhere and you raped? internet is amazing. slac proves that people dont cheat? elohel champbots elohel
Post em up :D
we should make a forum just for you two.
Parker even if you don't want to admit it ... you love me. and GG keith ... spanked again lol. Slac ruined you all the people who use to be decent lol.
no reason to make a forum. all he does is denydenydeny, and make up internet stories. you took a single map with 2mins left and that's spanked? rofl.... slac did nothing to anyone, everyone stopped playing this game. it took you 5 years to be able to take a map against people who haven't played in years. congrats. That's assuming that you didn't buy a bot from champ of course. you know, the kid you were playing with, and hang out with all the time. oh right, they're only for pubs.
ppl who havent played 4 years? anim plays all day everday and ive seen the other ppl on anims server plently of times so i guess they havent played in a week is what u ment to say? idk
anim is literally the only regular on our vent that didn't stop playing et, and he doesn't have a server, soooooo. BUT I BET HE HITS 40 HOURS THIS WEEK, WON'T YOU CAPT SPF60

QuoteI don't play with cheaters, sorry. I'm just the most successful NA ET Player for a few years running now. Unlike everyone who used to be some what decent , slac didn't give me a skill drop.

this is the most ridiculous thing ive read in a very long time. internet teenagers are a plague to online gaming, and i basically blame your mother, who told you that you're a snowflake, for your blatant disregard to accuracy or logic. I now remove myself from this thread out of fear of spreading your ignorance through my monitor.

parker, make the server NA. that is all.
Shafty are we still on to hangout this summer????
champ u still gonna teach me how to box?
Nah I have to train butler first hes in need
the nrg server or w/e ive seen all of em their lol.. more then like 4-5times lol
I don't play with cheaters, sorry. I'm just the most successful NA ET Player for a few years running now. Unlike everyone who used to be some what decent , slac didn't give me a skill drop.
QuoteI don't play with cheaters, sorry.

Didnt you play for team Silence? :DDDDDD

QuoteI'm just the most successful NA ET Player for a few years running now

You are neither a member of u5 nor common, therefor this statement is false.
don't forget Ass Clowns ! , I'm just fucking with shafty. the guy been nerd raging at me for years. He can't get over the fact that he's actually terrible at the game and not everyone cheats.
would you two get the fuck off the forums already. shit was getting old 2 days ago
shutup parker go get that dent in ur forhead fixed
Quotei basically blame your mother, who told you that you're a snowflake, for your blatant disregard to accuracy or logic.
i hear the fireworks from disneyland boom! boom! look at all the colors!!!
you were an admin of etbox, you know everything that went on.

oohh wait... no you werent.
ohh shafty and his inferiority complex :o
rofl. the irony is overwhelming
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