fps drops

The first 5 mins i'm playing ET I've got normal fps, but the suddenly it's dropping to 20-40 all the time. Someone know how to solve this problem?

Not running shit on the background just ET.
not my problem friend
Check graphic card temperature in drivers. Maybe it get overheated after 5mins of gaming.
Alright thanks going to check it!
wernt you banned?
On crossfire ye, never on clanbse.
remember you getting busted, could be wrong (doubt it tho)
True, Fusenlist 2008 or something but i'm not going to talk about that again. I know I didn't buy a bot. ;)
didnt mean to ruin your post or anything was just wondering, gl
It's ok mate, thanks :')
graphic card probs
got the same for a week :s prolly graphic card
format C:\
u still have that problem? :DDDd

maybe this lady can help
image: 25912_364336501058_677126058_4213500_934424_n
yeah tomb raider
Heb hetzelfde het is gewoon die kut SLAC
cheats maybe
close etbot maybe
have the same but not that big drops..
1. Check if ur virtual memory is 1.5 (or more) higher than amout of RAM
2. Use Registry Booster to fix ur registry and defrag it necessarily !
3. Use Speed Up My Pc to speed up ur pc ^^ (it owns on xp dunno on other OS)
4. Use defraggler to defrag ur partitions drive. ( ur graphic card saves some data on ur hd and read i from it. when its defragmented it happens faster)
5. I hope u havent fps drops when u are pressing tab to see scoreboard. cuz its normal and everything above is useless.

gimme info about results.

cheers Gohanna.
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