Trivium vs Legendary

Poland Trivium won 4:0 vs low german team Germany Legendary powered by Tweety (hummel atrox and kern)

Demos - supply adlernest

ETAimer played with 200-400 ping and they still cant win duel with him. Anyway, they are madcowz.

Admin of Clanbase accepted forfeit loss for them. We have -120pkts now. My question is, WHAT THE FUCK KURWA

P.S We need our points back
polaks got rolled, that's good thing
good job cb admins!
Fuck off Trivium - Haxor team 8D
Trivium won this match, but admin of cb accepted forfeit loss, without any proofs.
Trivium lose by forfeit - reason :

ETAimer :
is well known RWB/Cheater gnajda

Suspended for playing untill 06-10-2019 01:15:56

IP Match

Proofs? ETAimer did not get ban. Trivium just loss 120 points for this information :D
banned player making new account, playing offi and gets ban.

thats the way, and always was
Man you played this game for years and still you are fucking retarded.

Do you actually think Killerboy, GoldoraK or any other admins ban anyone without valid proof?

Even the amount of dislike I fell towards goldoraK I trust he had some kind of solid evidence (from slac, cb site, dno). Wake up nerds.
they got actually 0 profs that ETAimer was ever banned @ CB
everybody knows its gnajda, now fuck off and die.
comon.. everybody knows it is him.. :x
everyone knows pple die of hunger in Africa. Does it change anything ?
Bad comparisation :) If everyone knew if one was a murderer, I think it would mather. (also a bad comparisation, but you get my point I hope)
if everyone thought ( u can 'know' facts, so its already incorrect word to use ) person is murderer they would kill him just in case right ?. Wild west is the past dude. I dont argue if ETAimer is gnajda or its not. It should doesnt matter for game result, as long as they got only their personal feelings (no evidence) about the case. I think this should help u understand my point:

1) Why is ETAimer not banned?

Answer: They got no proofs that he's abusing any CB rules.

2) Why trivium lost due to forfeit then?

Answer: Ummmmm Yyyyy Mmmmm dunno.
I understand your point, but I don't think you fully understand what you are saying.
I also understand that you are defending Trivium because they are fun to play with & you are a member for multiple years. On the other side.. You have to see what's going on from the community's point of view. Busted cheater - banned for so many years - owning like hell - playing under a new nickname (why doesn't he just play with gnajda or come to a lan & own like he does now? Would solve all the problems) & still acting like a fucking retard?

How would you react if it wasn't one of your friends?

I hope this will help you understand my point.
one guy die is tragedy , 100 ppls die is statistic
How do you know they dont have any proof?

IP Match.

Will be banned in few days I suppose.
gnajda IP

ETAimer IP

ETAimer is using mobile net (thats why he got such ping), so tell me what IP match there can be...
Yeah, IPSpoofer and proxy are not invented.
IP Match

they should ban you for playing with him
you got polakked
i'd be absolutely shocked that i recived a forfeit loss after i had played an offi with a cheater banned till 2019.
retardpolak strikes again, expecting to get away with playing with gnajda
You guys are retarded,

gnajda IP 83.31.

ETAimer IP

Different IP`s?
If he's using blueconnect, he surely got a different IP.
Everyone know whats the point of the ban.
This guy on left.
image: 14w7hi0
haha he has one eye on cigarettes one eye on bot :DDDD
wow a guy called etaimer from poland very trustable nick... and i didnt even mentioned terror in there with such nice slac ss like those 2
Dear flR, could you please describe the problem in those screenshot.
if you wanna play offis with a banned cheater you gotta hide it better (bet 40% of the crossfire users already knew ETAimer is gnajda the lan hoster before last night)

and people ask why I despise polaks xD
pls what? Gimme proof that ETAimer was ever banned @ CB. U guys are fuckin retarded?

Moze wyjasnisz mi kurwa na jakiej podstawie przegralismy mecz? Jakis IP/guid/slac match ze ETAimer = gnajda ?

zalosne kurwa
gracie dla zabawy czy po to zeby CB laddery(w ktore i tak juz kompletnie nikt nie gra) szturmowac? bo jak dla zabawy to co to za roznica co admin zrobil po meczu?
Why do you hate ETAimer, like that could be the nick of some busted cheater returning ^___^
Not suspicious or anything.
da holt er einen raus der gr0ss

I think GoldoraK is pretty clear with the reason X:D.
Besides you are Trivium...
Trivium used to hack hardcore before SLAC , but we were always able to beat them :-<>
said vatu DD:::: we've never played vs randoms ty for attention
are people really this stupid or do they just pretend?
Quote[FORWARD]: not boys to you claims are not present
Matc cancel i want worfait / so sossy gays

hummel fucking lowskilled bitch cried a lot i bet ! no respect for fuckin losers
Had a discussion with someone about you some days ago, he almost changed my mind telling me you were a great guy etc.. well this topic shows the answer :)
i am great guy for great guys. I never lick any ass to get friends or stuff so i rly dont care about "community reputation"
There is a difference about not caring about a reputation + not licking ass to be friends and acting like a complete moron while you might not be one =)
i didnt say anything what i wouldnt feel. when i play match, i can lose it ingame - not @ irc. i got pissed - i showed my anger - ME NOT ROBOT!
I actually wonder why did you start to play with these known polish busted retards when you could have propably gotten better team with if you wanted to. Still you stick with Gnajda and other trivium faggots
i am member of trivium team for like 2-3 years. I always loved the atmosphere of "play & laugh" cause this is what the game should be. I play only in teams which gives it to me. They are absolutely great friends and wont stop playing in trivium team, whatever pple think about it. Judge us if u want and we will still win and have fun doing that without any cheats.
u got owned by trivium or u're just mad because of ur ultra poor life ?
a to wy gracie ejszcze w et ?
hahaha hummel sie obsral na miekko :D jebane low
[cryin hummel - priceless]
they decided to play and after losin the war hummel made a deepthroat with goldorak's dick D:
pings rule ?
killerbay idiot omg
awsome english here.
right here!
I am waiting for humm3L's forum/journal about this match. I think we can see some more english sentences!
QuoteNick: ETAimer
Name: ETPlayer Unknown



QuoteMatchrules SLAC: Mandatory

ok so mr.chlapja how the fuck is it possible? even AC busted gnajda(ofc if etaimer is gnajda )
Oh comon.. Mandatory - Give it up :) That's not even near to possible :)
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