#rio-pelle recruiting

Rio-Pelle is now recruiting motivated, active and appropriately skilled Finnish players.
After we've gotten a sufficient lineup we're going to dominate all, except LANs because they're for nerds.

We are:
- Medskilled
- Most active
- Praccing hard and so
- Got a gameserver and gonna get a vent or TS if needed
- FinlandRuipperi and FinlandBurneddi

We are looking for:
- Medskilled
- Most active
- Praccing hard and so
- Finnish
- Need enough players to paly 5o5 (or 6o6 as soon as the revolution begins!)
- Also teamplayers

Contact ops (i.e. Ruipperi or Burneddi or both!) on #rio-pelle on Quakenet if you wanna join. We're friendly and nice and you don't need to be ;FAME MONSTER as long as you're a decent player.

#rio-pelle eSports idle & stay

image: xMx0U
Hajoo burnedin sniputukseen lassie
Ei täs klaanis snipata, se on miksukamaa!

E: Ja publakamaa kans!
dont support this nazi clan (wery much anti-semitist) !
i hate dog-people
when your clan fails youre welcome at aCid.eu
/j #rio-pelle and come prac with us as soon as we get our shit together well enough
would like to play more activate again, currently im playing on dnc as a backup... maybe avi :)
Join up on the channel and come play with us sometime if you want to :P
KRP farmi
avi ^^
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