awesome recruiting

Since barracuda is dead cus of inactivity ahmeN, Me,rAIZ and we3DsAN are starting a new project.

but were in need of two more or less skilled players.

you should be :

arround med skilled
rifle and medig/fops
funny and mature
avi tue,thu,sun at 20:00 cet
prefer german but nice Europe are ok aswell

regards tikuh

E: pm me here trials now
gl dem we3d
reaktivier mal $moke :DDD
der lebt doch in seiner eigenen welt! :D (
can I get tryout?:D
how awesome is that?
gl weediboy
/rifle am start :)
You betraid me tieQ :(
no :< youre in if you want its no prob for me dude
but I'm not as active as you guys? :D I just played my first war since 3 weeks, enjoyed it :PP
then be backup !
Haha k man, let me know where to contact you if I'm bored :D still using same ts? Got ahmen on xfire, but the bitch ignores me :))
avi as fop!
big big big big big big big big big gl if its Germany/PortugalameN
good luck <3
tieQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ where is razzah?
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