JaMmAl avi for EC LAN

Hi, im avi to TLR lan :)
Medic, fops, eng(rifle) or smg
15 years old
from czech republic
have functionaly ts3, slac, ts2,ventrilo 3.0.5
Never cheatering, clean, slac user :)
Speak czech, english, germany language :)

Team from Europe, multiclan
mature, no whiners
good friend :-*
good teamplay, training :)

/q #czet @Quakenet.org
xfire: enemyjump or pm me here on crossfire :)
Never cheatering
jamal wash ur nasty ass
Never cheatering
Never cheatering
Never cheatering
i guess ur med/+? like all 15 y old say
fumble will put 3 bullets in your head kk thnx hes the real deal
probably another lowsenser with maus cfg
1v1 NetherlandsTempie, the day you will aim better then him is the day he dies.
mAus cfg sucks ! wingaven is better :P
he has never cheatered take him :P good medic and own
Never cheatering
germany language
rather save ur money for english lectures, u rly need them...
why u're looking for mature guys if u're kid. 15 years old kid at lan :D u gonna be there with parents ?
15 year kid can´t go to LAN or what? :O
they can forsure, but nobody wants to play with them.
They just want to go out with them in the evening :{D
Idk man, you have bEEbEE with your team, he have 15 years, Do you want to go to lan at evening ?:D
We do not participate at the Lan ;)
I also did not participate at fun-floorball-tournaments till I got 18 as it just sucks for the rest of the team if they cannot join every club as complete group.
never languagering english?
Jamal Malik
gl jammal
hf getting sexually harassed by sweaty nerds who spend their nights sitting on their own hands to get the feeling that somebody else than themselves would want to touch their smelly virgin penises
gl jammal :) kdyztak me zabal do kufru jedu stebou :P :D
will ur mom allow u to go to lan?
laughing so hard :DDDDD
Good luck mate ! :P
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