slac - failed loading module

Hi CF, I have a problem when I open SLAC there is this error message:

"Failed loading the specified game module"

Can you help me please by giving me a solution.

image: smokinghotchicks
avast antivir user? :D
that antivirus is so shit, I used it b4, it gave errors on all files related to slac :D
what's wrong? I am using avast + slac without any trouble. u just need to know what files belong to be in the white list :)
well :d, placed most of the files in the whitelist, tho it gave new errors all over the place, so downloaded sumthin new :p
well as i am on laptop right now and way to lazy to start my main pc i will give you the paths later that day^^

or did you try this already?
well it doesnt matter since its working now with another virus , but thanks for the effort :d
np, see ya tonight for some paly than maybe ^^
I use kaspersky, but all people with avast have problems
Yeah, got same problem.
i have same problem
add to antivirus exceptions/disable antivirus when ur about to play.
nod32 ftw
It's a virus!
get steam
slac hard go noob
uninstall ur firewall
close processes of av and works
if you have avira antivir you have the same problem.
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