Andreas again rofl
ban pllz
rofl he leaves the clan and AFTER that he releases screenshots of his former teammates hacking (something we and agrippa already knew but ok). And for what? To make fame as cheaterbuster? You truly are one of the biggest retards on the internets Sir.
cheaters busting cheaters, just love it.

O right, it was ages ago! Three months is an awefull long time indeed.

(get a life)
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kommt das bei von bots gefaketen pbss egtl auch?
Natürlich :)

Der Bot ändernt ja nicht direkt was am PBScreenshot, er gibt dem PB zum Zeitpunkt des Screenshots einfach einen falschen Bildschirm aber ändern nichts am eigentlichen PBScreenshot der danach ausgegeben wird ;)
Do you think making fun off disabled people makes you look less retarded faggot?
did i make fun of him you retard?
im making a point, steven hawking is a very smart guy, and you lot are dumb, thats the point im making
stephen hawking is NOT retarded if you didn't know, he was handicaped in a horse accident.
look at what i said dude, did i ever say he is retarded? i said hes a very smart guy and i adore him for who he is
in that case, what was your point...
my point is, im pointing out a smart guy, the people replying with stupid comments are dumb and do NOT compare to the smartness of a person, comparing smartness to dumbness, people here are dumb
oh fuck i expected ChaoZ finally busted xDDDDDD
gg nexus
not the whole sF clan are cheaters tbh. These screenshots are clear, I wont say a word about that. But before i left, I never noticed any cheating.
oh cmon you knew andreas cheated from day 1
dont rip my pic!
So whats the problem of this thread?

I dont get it!
cool , forfeit win on sunday. PD are going to EC watch out
every day a new guy busted and they still keep on trying...
i love cheaterS LoL they try and try and try it again so stupidly...
easeh peaseh!! :D
You're still a retard.
rooooffffffl i cantbelieve cause u got kicked out the clan ud fake pb ss of me rofl so lame think wot u want but i dnt hack. + i dont see any warnings onmy guid unlike ur one...

it is u sir that did them screenshots
brad actually made them screeenshots and sent them to me in a zip file, so thats why i have them retard, i cant get pbss of brads server, yeah brad played you for a fool, but your gonna carry on licking his arse you two faced cunt
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get it?
and u wanna klnow why brad kicked him out of clan.... cause he wernt inlineup so he started spamming ion war and kept cheering the other teaam to win in an official.... good player yer.. pathetic and u reli think if i was to hack that id do it and get caught that many times IDIOT its obvious u faked it plus when bradposts on here with wot u sed the other day no1will ever believe any busts u do... u need to grow up fella
Pretty sure i played 3v3 once with you and Bogey and you were up in that tree on supply sniping, blatantly tracking through walls/looking through tree branches/ etc.

Get Maimed trash.
rofl ...he said he was gonna fake pbss when he left clan and we have got you admitting you hack why we kicked you out you dumb hacking faggot looks and acts like he's 5
that was wolfe imo
oh you complete stupid cunts, you call that a fake pbss? you carried on hacking after you said you deleted it, you stupid morons dont understand fuck all, i busted a cheated and i get you idiots flaming me, why dont all of you grow the fuck up, for once in your life, and why am i banned from crossfire, i aint done shit wrong but BUST andreas, oooo warnings on yawn, andreas i have a demo with you faking vargurs name, hacking with sten, i have more proof than *fake* pbss, storm force are fucking cheaters, i get banned for busting them, you fucking idiots, i remember all the times you lot bad mouthed storm force (clan of cheaters) now its changed, why the change of heart ? i have been busting cheated on crossfire since i joined, i hacked once last year, so fucking what? i admit it, brads a shit admin for not kicking you out the clan for hacking andreas, ON 2 occasions, why dont you go fuck yourself
just shutup got kicked cause you admitted you hack and now ur sad ..cause u gt nowhere to go ....awwwwww....ban every account of this sad and pathetic guy. When brad comes back from work ...he will post that screen shot of you dont worry. Ohhhh i gt a email frm Sandra clark hmmmmm wonder who that is ...dumb fuck
screenshot of me? i remember the last pathetic attempt to bust a rup member with a fake pbss, i dont think brad has ANY pbss of me with agrippa because i have nevrer hacked with this name so please show me =)
and tbh afterr this guy is a known hacker ....and after you look at his multiple yawn wranings and you still take his busts seriously should be ashamed...He is a virus and needs to be deleted ...we told him to fuck off from our clan ....PLz do the same only way
infact i dont think ANYONE has a pbss of me hacking, the only proof of me hacking was the guy who busted me last year, with an avi, no pbss though so please prove it, and dont make a pathetic attempt to fake bust
we have like 8 people on mirc witnessing u syaing you hack why we kicked you out you child and get lost and stop spammiing
learn to use the reply button
i made storm force happen, so why dont you shut the fuck up. i even recruited you, made the team possible, ohh a warning on yawn, doesnt mean shit, only means i have hacked at least once, the warning dont prove anything else, i went on a server that doesnty allow nexus.pk3 in etmain, i forgot to delete the nexus.pk3 out of my etmain, and the warnings went on the other agrippa names till i changed my pb guid, get a brain
lol haha ....forgot to delete my nexus folder hmmm i believe u ....NOT u hacking cunt
nexus.pk3 i deleted the folder dipshit
<FiF|Freedune> Btw speelt Diom met jullie mee vanavond?
<DoggyhStylah> ja
<DoggyhStylah> die pbss is faked
<FiF|Freedune> Ah mooi, kunnen we nog even wat meer pb_ss maken.
<DoggyhStylah> we hebbe agrippa uit clan gekickt
<DoggyhStylah> ging ie lamen
<DoggyhStylah> hij cheat echt niet
lol pbss faked ROFL funny how brads the one who sent them in a zip folder, he sent them to the rest of you too, remember ? brad sent me the zip folder!!! i even have the link on storm force where the zip folder is located
agrippa calls people retard here but in actual fact he looks like fuking YODa with gg
Tell me what has that to do with this topic, what actually is about a wh'er, and you start talking about Yoda with glasses?

Oh and btw, guess you won't be that handsome to..
haahhahah bogey u got burned :P
i dont need to act bad on inet mate....and trust me im better than yoda with sun glasses....if i ever meet short stuff in real life ent gonna be no star wars episode

p.s. = best lookin pakistani ever !
Could you please awnser my question instead of talking about what is handsome and what isn't?
dunno who you are but its about how he acts bad behind a screen and how that makes him a big man .....
leave him alone bogey, hes making a point about how much you chat shit
you talk shit too. You have those pbss, before you got kicked out of the clan i suppose, otherwise Brad would not have send them to you. You dont say shit then, now your kicked out becoz you're a whiner and arent in the lineup, and now you post them.

#fakecheatbusters imo. First wanna play with cheaters, then wanna bust them.
i aint a whiner, doggyh and the rest are, always do in an official, about guids n shit, so what you chatting about i whined because i never play and i am the one who recruited and made sf possible
What is sF going to do if I may ask? Will they keep the cheater (wallhacker) in the team?
Sandra Clark: Dear kiddies,
I have posted on and me and my online nerds will kill you and storm-force. The jokes on you now you kiddy fuck fuck fuck fucks.

Ok seriously m8
Get a life no one gives a shit about you and what you post cuz ur a hacker yourself.
mate agrippa/wolfe the only chater in this team and we told him to do one ...we dont like cheatersand dnt tolerate them the rest of us have never and never will cheated
keep posting here agrippa u retarded nerd =)
Tell me, why are all the sF members talking about nerds and shit like that (appearence)? I mean, do you call everyone like that?
you arre right done here gl with this u nerd...plz dnt take this guys eriously
awesome thread :D
very entertaining :P

I really enjoy the cheaters using such nice language :D
idiom WTF they're fucking real, all of them you wanker and you know it, brad sent the zip to everyone in the clan i even have convo of us talking about you, *take 3 pbss of andreas when we have a war to see if hes still hacking* oh and*brb hav to restart et* it when you turn your aimbot on
Nice edit of post.:S
aww man ignore idiom, just because i caught him hacking he thinks its a great idea to make a fakepbss making him and brad and his clan look stupid
yeah well its only a site dude no need for perfect gramma, only on exams
rofl you moron these ones are real, the ones you and brad edited are fake and everyone knows it well done on making yourselves look like idiots
look! Its the abusive admin!

ps: i crashed yesterday :'( currently installing ubuntu as im typing this. linux powha!
oh please mcsteve theres a mistake in that because i aint hacked since last year so pleaseeee
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