#exited.et recruiting

hi im from #exited.et and we are looking for 3 memebers to complete our line-up

You need to be Skilled. That means med/high i prefer not a lagger but u can always try :) And a realy good teamplay ofc.

U need to have a decent mic that works. And also capable of speaking english.

Age: Doesnt realy matter.

Exclans: Famous clans is a big plus, U can prove me that you are good.

Activity: 5 days a week after 20.30 - 22.00 Atleast. People that are online at afternoon and at evenings is also a big plus.

You need to be mature. Not whining and not crying when we loose a game, its part of the game. We are building a squad with med/high players. So dont expect that we defeat med+ right away.

We need a:
Medic smg x2

Contact me on crossfire or come to #exited.et on Q-net
gl may the best men win^^
lol med/high gL :>
gl mate!
QuoteWe are building a squad with med/high players. So dont expect that we defeat med+ right away.

If you cant beat that right away, it means you/your team is not medhigh, simple... :l
we are recruiting med/high.. 6o6 is all aboutteamplay.. I can see u are low skilled. Pls dont reply if u dont know a shit. ty
he is not lowskilled. jor and his old team like FDN & bangelijkL are more skilled than you or your team so stfu plz 0 day wnb
I'm lowskilled, I just hope someday I'll be good enough too join his squad of med-high g4m3rs
no join my team not the team from the cocksucking-fuckface
my ppls are leeter :>
hi lowskilled 16 year old kiddo, you want mature players? than you need to quit your own clan.
wat zat je me te flamen op #clanless-et teringnaab met je med/high
LoL memebers plz
what makes you guys think your highskilled in the first place?

won a match vs highskilled rqmbo or smth? :/
lol, that was actually funnehh ;O
(12:53:35) —› topic: Building ET squad.Line-up: Xako / Freezz / Phunk / You / You / You / You. Trials: Aristos, Electronic, Wertu Fanboy/backup: BIZZY

ok med/high with famous exclans.
Registered: 28 February 2007
Member For: 0 days
maar hij ownd jou wel!
dat vraag IK me zelfs nog af
hij owned jou ook zire :> ! :P haha

wie ben je btw?:P

mlo has added you to his buddylist ! LoL?
ja maar ik ben ook low maar ik zeg niet dat ik med/high ben
btw die Xako is teringgay als je op clanless-et gaat flamen omdat ik een med skilled player zoek -,-
tis volgens mij echt een gassie dat gepest word op school of mishandeld word door zijn ouders
kken m reallife martijntje :>:P haha .. hij heeft niks te zeuren . heeft zat vrienden etc etc ..( wordt neit gepest dus ) ..

mja lol .. misschien moet ie je om een of andere redene niet xD

geen id !.
Made my day :)))))
gl :>
only med/high :O ? i doubt it
good luck
take mij ik ben highskilled panzer
GL ! :>

hope you'll get very good :D
skillfake alert

EDIT: Member For: 0 days
xako is de pro rezion med/high :x
"And also capable of speaking english."

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