Do you want online cashprize ET tournaments?

We've recently welcomed as a tournament sponsor at TLR for online tournaments. We've currently got a deal with them for one game in particular, but we're basically looking to expand that, sooner rather than later.

We feel ET doesn't get the attention it deserves for these kind of tournaments, among other games. We've basically "opened the floor" for suggestions of which game should next be supported with a cash prize tournament by and TLR. If you want to see ET there, then simply add a "Make an ET tournament next" reply, or similar to this news post:

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Your future is as you make it ; )

For anybody who can't be bothered to spend the time leaving a comment, we understand but it's not going to do ET any favours.
No, I do not.

It would be so idiotic to pay money to other players for owning me.
yes, just in like every known game
wow ur supporting perfectly ur et team, you just see that et is dying and that would be the chance to get it back active again and you ask us to vote for cod and to ask for the next tournament for et (in 2 years?)

or did i misunderstand the text?
yes yes gief plis
Goddd, it's 2011... ET was released in 2003. Many people have played it since then, perhaps let it die it's death? I mean, ET is an awesome game, I would agree if the community had respect, but they don't give a fuck tbh. They sometimes moan about how people don't do fuck all to help, but neither do they. ET and the Crossfire community are hypocrite's, cheaters and liars.

I see your point, I've tried multiple times to help get more players. In fact I had an awesome project on the go (ETTools), which was nearly finished and ready for releasing... but there was little support and belief, so I gave up. I'm not going to work on something that nobody would appreciate and just constantly moaned at me about. If I did what I planned, I know ETTools would of been released, attracted all other mod players to ETPro... more support for SLAC... more users on this website... more tournaments... more IRC wars/players... all of this was integrated in the application. I still have the code on my external HDD. Never touching it again.

Last screenshot I released IIRC.
image: et-tools
If you wanted to get more players in ET, then why would you give a shit about other's opinion? I mean, if you really wanted to get more players to ETPro, then you would already released that program. IMO
Why have you tried to blur out the other tabs when we can clearly read it as, TabPage3,TabPage4,TabPage5,TabPage6,TabPage7?
Because it was to bring attention to the actuall information rather than tabs... I could of renamed them but I cba when I took screenshot. At the point all the coding in tabs was nearly done.
if everybody stopped when they were getting moaned at nothing would get done. from gaming to real life, you just gotta fucking deal with it. can't believe you just said you gave up because you think people don't care :D it's like Seanza cancelling his EC LAN because of all the Finnish idiots complaining, like they would have gone in the first place.
Make it 6on6 and you actually could get decent teams:D
QuoteIf you want to see CoD4 there, then simply add a "Make an ET tournament next" reply

It sounds cool but, in reality it's just those 2-3 teams fighting for it
A bit like La Liga
sounds like every online cup of 2010. the top3 is easy to predict so I don't see the problem with the LAN being so predictable :_)
New Giants cup! Nice
New Aalborg LAN? Nice!

(somebody had to say this)
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