Buying games for NES/Pegazus

Do anyone knows where i can buy games for NES/Pegzus. I ve bought it few weeks ago but i got only 99999in1 ;( i woulg like to remid the old, good times. Yeah i know that i can try on ebay or allegro but there are only few games and they sucks (i want to buy a bigger number of it)
yes i do

Me has loads of NES games somewhere would be more than happy to sell em :D
no, just no
Wii store
maybe in Finland Finland since every things come 10 years later.
You got NES for christmas at 2001? Nice :)
Finland's better than France...
rofl, says a frenchfrog :DDDD
seems like the english education in france also comes 10 years later.
Torrrrenntttttt and ROOOOOMMMMSSSSSSS
i got somewhere mortal kombat and ninja turtles
emulator or vc, most stuff you can download legaly to your wii if you got one.
emulator is not the same as console and those creapy pads : P
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