Brothercode need 1

image: brocode
In need of one Netherlands /Belgium player


must have ts3
someone we can trust and prac with alot to make solid tactics, not someone that leaves when we lose a war or 2
around med/- skill
some gamesense
proper aim
will be playing mostly as medic


playing together for 2 or 3 months, so this is no 2week team
very active, almost every day
prac time at 19:30
stable med/- skill
want to improve as a team & play official matches
have our own server & sponsor

Belgium home
Belgium jul/Sparco
Belgium fratske wut?
Belgium Piegie

Belgium A1R

Belgium Kreatiir has quitted ET because of school

we will do tryouts today at 20 o'clock tonight!


/q me or Gemma at IRC!
gl fratske!
gl frats :)
atleast use the logo, its worth $100 :/
i'll come back!
Hah, Im still the master :)
let me rephrase that:

Im the Jedi
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