
So i have been experiencing for 2 weeks a bulletlag problem

dunno if everyone knows what it is

it's a prob where i on all servers have a normal ping no lag spikes but when i shoot the bullets are delayed...so i shoot get the muzzleflash but it delays with 1 second before it hits the body..
you can find more about this prob here if you willign to help

so if someone has a solution plz help me i am desperate:P
sometimes i have that prob too... donn why but..

set it to etpro antilag , nice 1
Windows just sux. I can play without lag with FF open, vent (with wine wich is cpu intensive), ts, putty (with wine offc), etc... :)

So, just get linux... :D
u might get higher fps @ linux -.- only thing that suxs is that fucking soundmixer shit
Just get a good soundcard tbh
Creative audigy not good enough :S?
I've got that one too, but it's working with me. I can listen mp3, ts/vent and play ET at the same time o_O
Andrei maybe make a demo of your problem to..

After reading SD forums you didnt do the ping plotter thing? try that and revive the thread.
i don't think demo will help as it is that you will be watching from your computer m8 and if your computer is fine you can't see it perhaps...

the only way to see it is if i make a movie which i don't know how to do it

and btw how do you do that ping plotter?
When I have xfire on my fps is capped at 40. When it is off it is capped at 60. Maybe try to cap your fps at a specific amount when using xfire, or just shut it down everytime
zhahzhzha k?
Delete @ xfire folder the toucan file and ur done
ao should i use another one

like hlsw?
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