ot_logo = 1 (CVAR #9001) ?

Hi my ET name is cArt,
I have a big problem and my clan will kick me :(
I have a entry in pbbans and yawn it comes that ot_logo = 1 CVAR #9001
What is that ? a cheat ? but i have never cheated ! Can anyone help me please to destroy this file and the entry thank you
more cheaters please.
format imo.

Buy new PC and immigrate to another country. Change nickname and irl identity. Other voice. Sex change preferred!
That should get you away from pbbans.
i doubt it will work before brains r replacable too :/
nobody knows what it is
Post ur yawn if you want to get helped. Ill ask gobbo, hes on vent with me.

or try bugging mcsteve #ghostworks
Me 2 m8 :)
I hope you die fucking cheater
good and what goobo says ?
Post ur yawn if you want to get helped.

He said its a cmd for an EThack, but pbbans are very cautious with cvar bans as they arent 100% reliable. If you give your yawn he could actually look into it, and maybe even appeal your ban.

I remember ppl getting banned for cvars forced by other mods etc.
that you need to learn to reply
damn kid, you are pretty fucked..... i would stop gaming tbh.
i had appeal my ban by pbbans they wrote me that :
This is an automated message and you will recieve no response should you reply to this e-mail.

After review of your ban, your appeal for the guid 4098c925d6944c345f8a8f60db154b57 has been denied.

Your ban info can be found here: 4098c925d6944c345f8a8f60db154b57
can you give me the ventrilo ip ? then i come
wanted to send you by xfire pm, but site is a bitch again
ot_logo is a cvar generated by an old public cheat (most relevant features, wallhack + clean pbss).
Also, GW comms are for GW members and people playing on the server, not for cvar enquiries. Punksbusted and PBBans both have appeal systems, they should be your port of call.
I blame gobbo for being such a nice chap!
ask rqmbo :>
ot_logo aint a cheat, you probably gotta config from soemone else, dont worry about it
that will really help him!
can you give me your xfire overdrive ?
xfire: cartomobil
what if he doesnt have xfire?
maybe not in wars but he cheated on a pub
best community ever
75 % whine

@cArt u only have to say that someone faked ur etpro guid and nobody can say anything =] thats so n1 one @ ET scences me>all
check his yawn and you will see its same pbguid
damn he have no luck :[
he had luck that it was in a game that cb dont care about
CB bans for public cheating to...
with game I ment ET in general.
got demos but its senseless to post it here because he wont get banned!
huh? Who busted meh and with what proofs?
Here you go: http://crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=3109

Deleted the demos because cb wont ban him anyway and dont want to waste the space of my hdd...yeye i know n1 excuses but its the truth and i hope his cheat will be detected by pb soon...
havent created the forum, i only want to warn other players because he got n1 hax
ban plx
My e-friend got it for a spawntimer btw. The readme said that he should "ot_logo 1" @ the server. He got a red triangle into his yawn :D

Anyways, don't put random cvars @ config xD
CB could ban him for it but nP
why its not a cheat ..
It's a cvar from a cheat
oh right ok
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