Cup Page

Since I don't organize cups anymore and the site isn't in use, I decided to pass the leadership of the cup to someone else who is motivated enough to organize some cups.

You can see the page here:

In former days it was a html-only site and now I implemented php-code which makes it easier to administrate. It has a fully working admin-panel which I scripted within a few weeks where you can add/list/edit/delete news/cups/users.

You will have full access to the admin panel. Add users who have only access to the Cups-Section (Cup-Admins) of the admin-panel or users who have only access to the News-Section (News-Writers). This means you can recruit your own admin team where everybody has a certain task to do.

I will still remain as the owner of the site and keep maintaining and improving it. By now it's fully working and I tested everything.

You can also change the domain if you want and make a new design for it. I can't design so you should find someone on your own and it should be a boxed layout. If you have a domain you just need to change the nameservers and I can forward the site there.

This page could also be used for other online games such as Call of Duty [1 or 2] or Counter Strike. As I already written only limitation will be that I will remain as the owner of the site and keep it under work.

Here are some screenshots of the admin-panel:
-News: List, Add, Edit
-Cups: Add, Edit
-Users: Add, List

If you are interested and motivated to takeover the leadership of that cup page contact me on irc. You can find me at #crossfire or use /msg gekko.

Thank you for your attention!
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