SLAC - ping spikes

Hello buddies!

This is the second time i post it here, did also on SL Anticheat forum but no useful answer yet.

I can normaly login into my SLAC account... and also normaly join any server.. but then when i am trying to move my ping goes from 48 to 300, and then i try to stand again for a while and guuaaalaaa ping is again stable 48!

My pc specs:
CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.40GHz
Memory: Geil 1024mb DDR
O/S: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP3)
Connection: T2 - 20/20

Before i wasn't using any of antivirus program.. and also firewall was always off (problem was the same).
Now i tried to instal both.. and ofc allowed any application in conjunction with ET. (problem is still the same)

Looking forward in useful answers, thanks!
format c, vid_Restart bug
and what happens on non slac server? pb or non pb?
usual if it's no slac srv, pb or not pb i am not using slac, and it's fine.
then contact khaplja
did it. ...he doesn't have any solution yet :[
lol, owner has no solution, so he sucks :D
if you didn't try, reinstall et from 0 and same with slac.
i don't think it's connection problem if it works properly on start.
maybe some conflict between et and slac or sth
Maybe provide him with as much detail as possible.

It is really annoying for developers when you get bug reports like IT DOES NOT WORK.

*not saying thats what you did* but just in case
tell me what can i add, and i will ;)))
Well when I need to find bugs a detailed description of when and what you do when it happens and when not. The logging that is dumped in console ( _printf and so forth ) and *some* system information, like which version, obv what you already gave in your post
ask perfo
solution: uninstall slac it sucks
U simply have to ask a friend to push you around the map
haha best solution
hahaahha,wtf man
move from 3rd world country
actually, it is not a 3rd world co. its one of the most important countries in EU
if ur comment was in anyway to say, slo inet sucks, so does ger, but he on the other hand has got 20mb/s and stable 48ping on any server, if he doesnot use slac.
Actually, I have the same problem. I get massive lag spikes when I move around the map. When I stand still it's stable at 48-50, but when I move it jumps to 150 - 220.
and you are not pissed of already?
ofc i am! :P but what I have experienced is that it stops after a while, and it usually occurs if I have recently connected to internet or reconnected or something like that, as long as I have internet all the time, it never comes back. But if I lose my internet and have to reconnect or something, it comes back for some hours.
lucky you!
you have it constantly? it has never gone away?
Parent - that will solve your problem! :P
Kasuta task managerit,kui mängid,vaata palju prose ja mälu võtab,kui on norm,siis proovi ruuterile restart teha,kui ikka ei saa kuidagi,siis tee üks clean arvutile,mõnikord on viirused kah probleemiks,varjavad svhost.exe all.Siis malware bytes ja ccleaner.Kui ikkagi kuidagi ei saa,siis registri puhastus.
i guess you wrote in Estonian language,.. can you please translate in English,.. maybe it will be useful for me.
kar js zastopm je da v task managerju dj na high priority, pomoje da svhost.exe pa s cccleanerjem poglej za malware pizdarije. ce ne pomaga se pa se enkrat registrirej.

neki tazga kar js razumem :=)
Oh,lol,you wearing Estonian flag...oops,well,I hope he translated right,lol:D
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